Vocabulary (Review)

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Sziasztok, Lívia vagyok. Hi everybody! I’m Livia.
Welcome to HungarianPod101.com’s “Magyar nyelvleckék három percben”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hungarian.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb van, “to be” and "to have," in the negative form.
In this lesson, we will start to learn about Hungarian adjectives and how to use them.
Hungarian adjectives are pretty easy to use. You just have to put them in front of the word they are describing.
Let’s see an example- Ez egy érdekes könyv. meaning “This is an interesting book."
[slowly] Ez egy érdekes könyv.
Let’s break down this sentence.
Ez means “this”.
érdekes is the adjective meaning “interesting”, and könyv means book. So just like in English, the structure is very simple- érdekes könyv, “interesting book.”
We’ve mentioned articles before. They are very important in the Hungarian language.
egy is the indefinite article and
"a" and "az" are the definite articles.
Let’s see the indefinite article first.
If you want to say- “This is an interesting book” in general, you have to use egy.
Ez egy érdekes könyv.
In this case, even if the noun is in plural, the adjective stays the same.
For example-
Ez egy új autó.
"autó" means car, "új" means new, so this sentence means “This is a new car.”
Ezek új autók. “These are new cars.”
It’s quite simple, isn’t it?
However, let’s assume you are talking about the book in your hand and saying: “This book is interesting”. In this case instead of Ez egy érdekes könyv. meaning “This is an interesting book." we use the definite article, making it Ez a könyv érdekes.
Let’s see some more examples-
If you want to say "My garden is big" you will say Nagy a kertem. Kertem means my garden, nagy means big. This has a definite article, since you are talking about your own garden.
Now lets say "My brothers are tall". testvéreim means my brothers, magasak means tall, so you will say A testvéreim magasak.
Note that in this case, you have to put the adjective in the plural form as well, so magas, meaning “tall” becomes magasak.
Now it’s time for Livia’s Tips.
If you want to emphasize an adjective in Hungarian, you can use the word nagyon before adjectives. As in nagyon szép, which is "really beautiful" or nagyon finom to say "really delicious."
In this lesson, we learned how to properly use adjectives and articles in Hungarian. Next time we’ll learn the basic uses of verb megy, which is "To go". Would you like to know how to say sentences like "I’m going to school?"
I’ll be waiting for you in the next Magyar nyelvleckék három percben.

