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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 10 - A Visit to the Hungarian Bank. Eric here.
Lena: Hello. I'm Lena.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the potential participle form and some participles in Hungarian. The conversation takes place at a bank.
Lena: It's between Tom and someone at the bank.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they will use formal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: Milyen feltételekkel tudok önöknél bankszámlát nyitni?
Bank: Minden új szerződéshez díjmentes kártyahasználatot biztosítunk. Egy Visa kártyához akár 200000 Ft hitelkeret is igényelhető.
Tom: A hitelkeret mennyi idő alatt törlesztendő vissza?
Bank: A teljes összeget minden esetben 30 napon belül kell visszatörleszteni.
Tom: Hogyan tudok pénzt utalni?
Bank: Biztosítunk önnek internetes és telefonos hozzáférést a fiókjához, így bárhol és bármikor biztonságosan utalhat.
Tom: Hogyan tudom megszüntetni a bankszámlámat?
Bank: A szerződés írásban és személyesen felmondható, a felmondási díj 2500Ft.
Tom: Milyen iratokra van szükség a bankszámlanyitáshoz?
Bank: Személyi igazolvány vagy útlevél, lakcím kártya és egy minimális összeg, amit a számlára utalhatunk.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Tom: What are your conditions to open a bank account?
Bank: We offer a credit card with no fee for every new contract. You can ask for a credit line of 200,000Ft with every Visa card.
Tom: When should the credit be paid back?
Bank: The total amount must be paid back in 30 days.
Tom: How can I transfer money?
Bank: We provide you with Internet and smartphone access to your account so that you can safely transfer money anytime and anywhere.
Tom: How can I close my bank account?
Bank: The contract can be terminated in person or by letter. The cancellation fee is 2500Ft.
Tom: What are the documents required for opening a bank account?
Bank: ID card or passport, residence card, and a small amount of money that we can transfer to your account.
Eric: Lena, what are the official ID documents Hungarians generally carry in their wallet?
Lena: They are an “ID card” - személyi igazolvány, “proof of address” - lakcím kártya, “social security card” - TAJ-kártya, “passport” - útlevél and “driving licence” - jogosítvány.
Eric: Do you take it with you every time you leave your home?
Lena: Yes. But you can leave your passport at home if you have your ID card with you.
Eric: I see...
Lena: So, if a policeman asks you to show an identification card, passport or driving licence, but you don't have any, in some cases they might even bring you to the police station!
Eric: Wow. I guess you gotta be careful! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Lena: feltétel [natural native speed]
Eric: condition
Lena: feltétel [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: feltétel [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: bankszámla [natural native speed]
Eric: bank account
Lena: bankszámla [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: bankszámla [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: díjmentes [natural native speed]
Eric: free of charge
Lena: díjmentes [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: díjmentes [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: szerződés [natural native speed]
Eric: contract
Lena: szerződés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: szerződés [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: igényel [natural native speed]
Eric: to ask for
Lena: igényel [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: igényel [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: visszatörleszt [natural native speed]
Eric: to pay back
Lena: visszatörleszt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: visszatörleszt [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: hozzáférés [natural native speed]
Eric: access
Lena: hozzáférés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: hozzáférés [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: megszüntet [natural native speed]
Eric: to cancel, to terminate
Lena: megszüntet [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: megszüntet [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: felmondás [natural native speed]
Eric: cancellation
Lena: felmondás [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: felmondás [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Lena: utal [natural native speed]
Eric: to transfer
Lena: utal [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: utal [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Lena: Bankszámlát nyit
Eric: Which means “to open a bank account”
Lena: For example...Bankszámlát nyitottam az OTP-nél.
Eric: Which means, “I opened a bank account at OTP bank.”
Lena: A férjemmel közös bankszámlát nyitottunk.
Eric: “We opened a common bank account with my husband.”
Lena: The word bankszámla means “bank account” and the verb nyit means “to open”. Számla alone means “account,” “invoice,” or “bill”. For example..Befizetem a telefonszámlát
Eric: “I pay the phone bill.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Lena: Felmondja a szerződést
Eric: Which means “to cancel the contract”
Lena: The noun szerződés means “contract” and the verb felmond means “to cancel”. Once more, Felmondja a szerződést
Eric: Actually, you can use the noun “contract” in many phrases. For example...
Lena: Lakásbérleti szerződés
Eric: “Tenancy contract”
Lena: Adásvételi szerződés
Eric: “Sales contract”
Lena: Szerződést köt valakivel
Eric: “To contract with someone”
Lena: You can use the verb felmond in the following expressions... felmondja az állását
Eric: This means “quit one's job”
Lena: Felmondja a lakását
Eric: “To cancel a tenancy contract”. Lena, can you give us an example using this word?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. Elsejével felmondtam az albérletet.
Eric: .. which means “I canceled my tenancy contract on the first day of the month.” Okay, what's the last word?
Lena: Pénzt utal
Eric: Which means “to transfer money”
Lena: The noun pénz means “money.” The verb utal can have different meanings.
Eric: The first meaning is “to send,” or “to transfer”. You can use it in two major cases: when sending money and when sending someone to the hospital.
Lena: For example, A szüleim minden hónapban utalnak pénzt.
Eric: “My parents send me money every month.”
Lena: Another example would be Kórházba utalták a hasfájása miatt.
Eric: This means “He/She was sent to the hospital because of his/her stomachache.” The second meaning of this verb is “to refer”, or “to point to”.
Lena: For example, Az elnök röviden utalt a tegnapi eseményekre.
Eric: “The president briefly referred to yesterday's events.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn about the potential participle form and some participles in Hungarian. Let’s take a look at two essential grammar points that can help you in understanding your contract for opening a bank account.
Lena: Listeners, do you remember what the -ó or -ő stand for at the end of a transitive verb?
Eric: Lena, let’s remind them.
Lena: The -ó, -ő ending describes the person or thing doing a specific action.
Eric: Its characteristic is that the word can be both considered as a noun and as an adjective.
Lena: Right. For example... ír and író
Eric: Which mean “to write” and “writer” respectively.
Lena: Another example is...elad and eladó
Eric: “to sell” and “seller”
Lena: Tanul and tanuló
Eric: “Learn - learner”. Lena, can you give us some sample sentences?
Lena: Sure. Az író befejezte a könyv írását.
Eric: This means “The writer finished writing the book.”
Lena: Az ott ülő kislányt Biankának hívják.
Eric: “The girl sitting there is called Bianka.”
Lena: A vevők sok pénzt költöttek.
Eric: “The buyers spent a lot of money.”
Lena: Listeners, please note that when the verb with an ending in -ó, or -ő stands before a noun, it is considered as an adjective describing the noun. However, you can also use the verb with the -ó, -ő ending alone.
Eric: In this case, the verb becomes a noun that you can conjugate as a noun.
Lena: Right. For example we had the sample sentence Az ott ülő kislányt Biankának hívják.
Eric: Which means “The girl sitting there is called Bianka.”
Lena: But you can also say… Az ott ülőt Biankának hívják.
Eric: This means...“Who is sitting there is called Bianka”. Ok! Now let's move to the potential form.
Lena: You can make the potential form by adding -hat, or -het to the verb. Now let’s add the potential form to a verb with -ó, -ő. It becomes -ható, and -hető.
Eric: You can use this form to describe an action that can be done. You can also use the negative form to say that something cannot be done.
Lena: In this case just add -hatatlan, or -hetetlen to the verb.
Eric: Lena, can you give us some sample sentences?
Lena: Sure. Ez a csokoládé ehető vagy ehetetlen?
Eric: “Can this chocolate be eaten or not?”
Lena: Megbocsáthatatlan amit tettél.
Eric: “What you did cannot be excused” or “It’s not excusable.”
Lena: Hihetetlen, hogy sikerült!
Eric: “It’s unbelievable that we did it!”. Ok, let’s move to our next grammar focus for this lesson.
Lena: It’s the participles -andó, and -endő. You can attach them to a transitive verb and transform the latter into an adjective.
Eric: The function of this participle is to describe that something should be done.
Lena: For example, let's take the sentence A reggeli előtt a kávét kerülnie kell.
Eric: It means “You should avoid coffee before breakfast.”
Lena: By using the participle -andó, or -endő, you can also say…A reggeli előtt a kávé kerülendő.
Eric: “Coffee before breakfast should be avoided”
Lena: Another example is...A beszerzendő könyvek listáját augusztusban küldjük ki.
Eric: Which means “We will send the list of books that should be bought in August.”
Lena: The conjugation rules for andó-endő and ható-hető are the same. Simply attach them to the end of the verbs except for irregular verbs.
Eric: Listeners, you can find a list of basic conjugation rules in the lesson notes, so please be sure to check them out.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Lena: Viszontlátásra

