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Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 23 - Making An Appointment with a Hungarian Dentist
Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 23 - Making An Appointment with a Hungarian Dentist. Eric here.
Lena: Hello. This is Lena.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use personal and reflexive pronouns in Hungarian. The conversation takes place on the phone.
Lena: The speaker is Reka and a stranger.
Eric: The speakers don’t know each other, so they will use formal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Réka: Jó napot kívánok, Horváth Réka vagyok, időpontot szeretnék kérni.
Recepciós: Járt már nálunk?
Réka: Igen, többször is.
Recepciós: Van valami panasz esetleg vagy csak vizsgálat lenne?
Réka: Fáj a bölcsességfogam és szeretném megnézetni.
Recepciós: Melyik nap lenne jó?
Réka: Minél hamarabb, annál jobb, esetleg holnap reggel lenne szabad hely?
Recepciós: Holnap a doktornő egyedül van, így nem tud több beteget fogadni. Csütörtök fél kettő?
Réka: Tökéletes. Ketten lennénk, anyukám is velem jönne egy vizsgálatra.
Recepciós: Rendben, felírtam. Fogászati kezelőlapot, TAJ-kártyát tessék hozni.
Réka: Akkor csütörtök fél kettő. Köszönöm szépen, viszonthallásra.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Reka: Hello, I'm Reka Horvath. I would like to make an appointment.
Receptionist: Have you ever been to our clinic?
Reka: Yes, several times.
Receptionist: Do you have any complaints or is it for an examination?
Reka: My wisdom tooth hurts and I would like to have it checked.
Receptionist: Which day are you available?
Reka: The sooner, the better. Would you possibly have a spot for tomorrow morning?
Receptionist: Tomorrow the dentist is alone, so she cannot receive any more patients. How about Thursday half-past one?
Reka: Perfect. My mother would also like to come with me for a checkup, so there would be the two of us.
Receptionist: Okay, I wrote it down. Please bring your dental card and social security card.
Reka: So, see you on Thursday at half past one. Thank you very much.
Eric: Lena, what number should we call in case of emergency in Hungary?
Lena: In case of any emergency, you can call the European emergency number 112 from any mobile phone. You need a name, an address, and some details about the accident.
Eric: Should we explain everything in Hungarian?
Lena: Actually, these lines are international, so you can explain the details of the emergency in English.
Eric: Does the ambulance or other emergency service come quickly?
Lena: In the capital, the ambulance and emergency service is very fast. But in the countryside, it might take a lot of time to get an ambulance.
Eric: So, going by car may be faster if you know the way to the nearest hospital.
Lena: Right. If you need to go to the Emergency Room, it's better to call an ambulance because you'll be taken care of in the hospital without waiting.
Eric: Good idea. Now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Lena: időpont [natural native speed]
Eric: appointment
Lena: időpont [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: időpont [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: rendelő [natural native speed]
Eric: clinic
Lena: rendelő [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: rendelő [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: panasz [natural native speed]
Eric: complaint
Lena: panasz [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: panasz [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: vizsgálat [natural native speed]
Eric: examination
Lena: vizsgálat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: vizsgálat [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: bölcsességfog [natural native speed]
Eric: wisdom tooth
Lena: bölcsességfog [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: bölcsességfog [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: megnézet [natural native speed]
Eric: to have something checked
Lena: megnézet [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: megnézet [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: hely [natural native speed]
Eric: place
Lena: hely [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: hely [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: beteg [natural native speed]
Eric: patient
Lena: beteg [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: beteg [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: fogászati kezelőlap [natural native speed]
Eric: dental card
Lena: fogászati kezelőlap [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: fogászati kezelőlap [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Lena: TAJ-kártya [natural native speed]
Eric: Social Security card
Lena: TAJ-kártya [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: TAJ-kártya [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Lena: Időpontot kér
Eric: Which means “to get an appointment”
Lena: The word időpontot is made up of idő which means “time”, and pont which means “point”. So, all together it means “appointment”, időpontot. Kér means “to ask”. Once more, Időpontot kér.
Eric: “to get an appointment”
Lena: Other expressions with appointment are... megbeszél egy időpontot.
Eric: “To arrange an appointment”,
Lena: Időpontja van valamire
Eric: “To have an appointment for something”
Lena: Időpontra megy
Eric: “To go to an appointment”. Lena, can you give us an example using our phrase?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. Kell időpontot kérni a vizsgálatra?
Eric: ..Which means “Do I have to get an appointment for an examination?” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Lena: Megnézeti a fogát
Eric: Which means “to have someone's tooth checked”
Lena: The word fog means “tooth” and megnézet is a factitive verb meaning “to have something checked”. megnézeti a fogát
Eric: Lena, I am sure there must be some sayings with the word “tooth” in Hungarian.
Lena: You’re right. We have a lot. For example...Kimutatja a foga fehérjét.
Eric: Literally it means “to show the white of one's tooth”, but the meaning is.. “to show one's true colors”
Lena: Another example is..Fogához veri a garast.
Eric: In English it means “to count every penny”
Lena: And one more widely used saying is…Fogat fogért.
Eric: “Tooth for tooth”. Lena, can you give us an example of one of these sayings?
Lena: Sure. For example...Inkább én fizetek, mert ő a fogához veri a garast.
Eric: ..which means “I prefer paying because he or she counts every penny.” Okay, what's the last phrase?
Lena: Beteget fogad.
Eric: Which means “to receive a patient”
Lena: Beteget is a noun that means “patient”, and as an adjective it means “sick,” or “ill”. The verb fogad means “to accept” or “to receive somebody or something”.
Eric: Can you give us an example using our phrase?
Lena: Az orvos délután fogad betegeket.
Eric: .. which means “The doctor receives patients in the afternoon.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn about personal and reflexive pronouns in Hungarian. Ok! Let’s start with personal pronouns. Lena, let's remind our listeners what they are.
Lena: Sure. én
Eric: “I”
Lena: te
Eric: “you”
Lena: ő
Eric: “she, he”
Lena: mi
Eric: “we”
Lena: ti
Eric: “you”
Lena: ők
Eric: “they”. Easy, right? However, you might already know that those pronouns will be different according to the suffix the pronoun receives.
Lena: Let’s see a simple example of a -t suffix. The suffix of the object. Téged hívtalak, nem őt.
Eric: Which means “I called you, not him.”
Lena: In this sample sentence, the pronoun ő became őt. Another example is...Őt hagyd ki ebből!
Eric: “Leave him/her out of this.”
Lena: Here we have the same... ő became őt . Now, let's take another prefix, for example -val, -vel, which means “with” in English. Velem jönnél?
Eric: This means “Would you come with me?”
Lena: In the sample sentence én, meaning “I”, was transformed into velem, which means “with me” by adding vel.
Eric: One more example, please.
Lena: Veletek mehetünk mi is?
Eric: “Can we also come with you?” Listeners, in the lesson notes we have a complete table with personal pronouns and their suffixes, so please be sure to check it them out. Our next grammar point for this lesson is reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns are used to replace a noun when the object is the same as the subject of the sentence. In English, these are the words ending by -self such as “myself, yourself…” Lena, let's remind our listeners about reflexive pronouns.
Lena: Sure. magam
Eric: “myself”
Lena: magad
Eric: “yourself”
Lena: maga
Eric: “himself/herself”
Lena: magunk
Eric: “ourselves”
Lena: magatok
Eric: “yourselves”
Lena: maguk
Eric: “themselves”
Lena: Just like in English, in Hungarian, reflexive pronouns are used in two cases.
Eric: When the object and subject are the same, and to put an emphasis on the subject of the action.
Lena: For example...Megütöttem magamat mikor kiszálltam a kocsiból.
Eric: “I hurt myself while getting out of the car.”
Lena: Veszek magamnak egy új kocsit.
Eric: “I will buy myself a new car.”
Lena: Magam megyek el érte.
Eric: “I will pick him/her up myself.” As a general rule, the reflexive pronoun will receive the suffixes that any other object, direct or not, would usually get according to the verb and the context.
Lena: For example you can say...Megütöttem magamat mikor kiszálltam a kocsiból.
Eric: “I hurt myself while getting out of the car.”
Lena: The same time you can also say...Megütöttem a fejemet mikor kiszálltam a kocsiból.
Eric: “I hurt my head while getting out of the car.”
Lena: In these two examples, the words magamat and fejemet have the same suffix, -t.
Eric: Listeners, don’t forget to check the lesson notes for more detailed information and examples.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Lena: Viszontlátásra!

