
Vocabulary (Review)

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Simone: Hi, everyone. I’m Simone. Welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is the Basic Boot Camp Series. This five pod series will help you ease your way into Hungarian.
Csaba: Sziasztok! Csaba vagyok. We’ll go over all the basics that will really help you understand Hungarian much quicker and easier.
Simone: This is Basic Bootcamp Lesson 5. Counting from 100 to 1,000,000 in Hungarian. In this lesson, we’ll continue with more of the essentials of Hungarian numbers, but in this lesson we will venture into higher number territory - the numbers over 100 all the way to 1,000,000.
Csaba: Sounds good.
Simone: Ok, let’s listen to the numbers in Hungarian.
száz, kétszáz, háromszáz, négyszáz, ötszáz, hatszáz, hétszáz, nyolcszáz, kilencszáz
ezer, kétezer, háromezer, négyezer, ötezer, hatezer, hétezer, nyolcezer, kilencezer
tízezer, húszezer, harmincezer, negyvenezer, ötvenezer, hatvanezer, hetvenezer, nyolcvanezer, kilencvenezer, százezer, egymillió
száz, kétszáz, háromszáz, négyszáz, ötszáz, hatszáz, hétszáz, nyolcszáz, kilencszáz
ezer, kétezer, háromezer, négyezer, ötezer, hatezer, hétezer, nyolcezer, kilencezer
tízezer, húszezer, harmincezer, negyvenezer, ötvenezer, hatvanezer, hetvenezer, nyolcvanezer, kilencvenezer, százezer, egymillió
[With English translation]
száz, kétszáz, háromszáz, négyszáz, ötszáz, hatszáz, hétszáz, nyolcszáz, kilencszáz
one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
ezer, kétezer, háromezer, négyezer, ötezer, hatezer, hétezer, nyolcezer, kilencezer
one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand
tízezer, húszezer, harmincezer, negyvenezer, ötvenezer, hatvanezer, hetvenezer, nyolcvanezer, kilencvenezer, százezer, egymillió
ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand, sixty thousand, seventy thousand, eighty thousand, ninety thousand, one hundred thousand, one million.
Csaba: száz
Simone: So let’s use these numbers a little. Let’s talk about restaurant prices in Hungary.
Csaba: Let’s take the 2011 currency rate where 1 euro is equivalent to around 270 forints. Prices in Hungary do vary a lot. It depends where you are and what you eat.
Simone: So what’s the price of an average meal in Budapest? What about a very nice meal in Budapest?
Csaba: Well, Budapest is not the cheapest city in Hungary, especially at the tourist spots, but you get full in an average diner for about 1,500 forints.
Simone: Which is roughly 4 or 5 euros. What about a very nice meal?
Csaba: The price might jump up to 4,000-5,000 forints and it still wouldn’t be the most expensive one.
Simone: Wow, that’s about 20 euros. The food must be really good there.
Csaba: The most expensive food is usually something exotic like Japanese or a restaurant special, but I don’t think our listeners will go to Hungary to eat Thai or Japanese food. And for an average Hungarian meal, 7-8 euros should be enough.
Simone: How would you say those prices in Hungarian forints, Csaba?
Csaba: Ezerötszáz, ötezer. Ezerötszáz, ötezer. Ezerötszáz, ötezer.
Simone: So that’s 1,500 and 5,000. Ok, let’s take a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Simone: First we have…
Csaba: száz
Simone: 100
Csaba: száz, száz
Simone: And next.
Csaba: ezer
Simone: 1,000
Csaba: ezer, ezer
Simone: And next.
Csaba: egymillió
Simone: 1,000,000
Csaba: egymillió, egymillió
Simone: Next.
Csaba: kétszáz
Simone: 200
Csaba: kétszáz, kétszáz
Simone: Next.
Csaba: százezer
Simone: 100,000
Csaba: százezer, százezer
Simone: Next.
Csaba: ötvenezer
Simone: 50,000
Csaba: ötvenezer, ötvenezer
Simone: Next.
Csaba: hatszáz
Simone: 600
Csaba: hatszáz, hatszáz
Simone: And next.
Csaba: négyszáz
Simone: 400
Csaba: négyszáz, négyszáz
Simone: Next.
Csaba: háromszáz
Simone: 300
Csaba: háromszáz, háromszáz
Simone: And next.
Csaba: kilencszáz
Simone: 900
Csaba: kilencszáz, kilencszáz
Simone: Now let’s take a look at the structure of multiples of 100.
Csaba: We’ve already learned how to say 100, “száz”, so to build multiples of 100 we simply take the numbers 2 to 9 and add “száz” at the end.
Simone: Adding that “száz” is very easy, so just listen.
Csaba: Száz, kétszáz, háromszáz, négyszáz, ötszáz, hatszáz, hétszáz, nyolcszáz, kilencszáz.
Simone: Now we’ll learn the system to build number 200 through 999 in Hungarian.
Csaba: Négyszázegy.
Simone: 401 sounds familiar. That’s right, there’s a horror TV show in America called Room 401. So what’s next?
Csaba: Kétszázharminchét.
Simone: Why do you keep coming up with such creepy numbers. Room 237 was the one in Stephen King’s “The Shining”, the one all the horror started from.
Csaba: Yeah, somehow I have good memory for creepy things.
Simone: Anyway, it sounds exactly like in English. 237.
Csaba: And next, kilencszázharminckettő.
Simone: And again we have a literal translation into English, 932. Hey, you just revealed the last three digits of my social security number, Csaba. You’re going to have to tell us some of yours now.
Csaba: Mine’s ötszáznegyvenhét.
Simone: Which is 547. Ok, so can you remember any other interesting things with numbers 1,000 and above? But first let’s have the word for thousand.
Csaba: Ezer.
Simone: So 1,000?
Csaba: Ezer. You don’t really have to say “one” hear, unless you want to emphasize it.
Simone: And 4,000?
Csaba: Négyezer.
Simone: So we take the number 4 and add 1,000.
Csaba: Exactly. Négyezer.
Simone: Right. So here’s what we have…
Csaba: Huszonegyezer, huszonkétezer, huszonháromezer, huszonnégyezer.
Simone: When we say 21,000, 22,000, 23,000, 24,000, we just say huszonegyezer.
Csaba: Huszonkétezer, huszonháromezer and so on.
Simone: Right. So you just take a multiple of 10, such as 10, 20 or 30, add a number from 1 to 9 and then add thousand. Easy as that. So give us a complicated four digit number then, Csaba.
Csaba: Kétezer-tizenegy.
Simone: Nice, that’s the current year. 2011.
Csaba: How about kilencvenezer-kétszáztíz?
Simone: Another TV show number, 90210. But in Hungary, we’d say that as 90, 200, 10. Ok, give us the last example, Csaba. The year you were born, for example.
Csaba: You didn’t have to say “for example” to know my age. Anyway, I’ve mentioned it before, so the year I was born in is ezerkilencszáznyolcvanhárom.
Simone: Which is 1983. So the formula with numbers in the thousands is first you say how many thousands you have, then how many hundreds, then tens, then ones.
Csaba: Yes, just like in most languages.
Simone: So we still have two numbers we haven’t mentioned. 1,000,000 and 0.
Csaba: Well, when it comes to 0 I can’t think of any example other than saying it in your phone number when we pronounce all the digits separately. And 1,000,000 is a number you’d most likely use only if you hit the jackpot.
Simone: What about all the other millions, doesn’t the ending change or anything?
Csaba: No, as straight forward as ever.
Simone: So 1,000,000.
Csaba: egymillió
Simone: 2,000,000, 3,000,000, 4,000,000?
Csaba: kétmillió, hárommillió, négymillió
Simone: 5,000,000, 6,000,000, 7,000,000, 8,000,000, 9,000,000?
Csaba: ötmillió, hatmillió, hétmillió, nyolcmillió, kilencmillió
Simone: Ok, so give us an example.
Csaba: I'm looking for a meaningful one. How about egymillió-hétszázhuszonegyezer-ötszázötvenhat?
Simone: And what does that mean? Not something creepy again, I hope.
Csaba: Well, it depends on how you look at it. It’s the population of Budapest.
Simone: Ok. So we use our usual formula here. 1,721,556, same as in English. And now let’s have another example, the only one where we pronounce digits separately in Hungarian, a phone number.
Csaba: Phone numbers are a bit tricky because basically you can say them many different ways, but some of them are more common.
Simone: Give us the most common one then.
Csaba: I’ll try. Most cellphone numbers have 11 digits and they all start with 06, which is “nulla hat”.
Simone: Then I think you have to have the two digits of the provider.
Csaba: Which is either húsz, harminc or hetven.
Simone: Which is 20, 30 or 70.
Csaba: And the remaining seven numbers are your own. There are many different ways to say them. You can go one by one since that’s the easiest for beginners.
Simone: But Hungarians also break them down sometimes, right?
Csaba: Yeah, I usually say two tens and the hundred. Like this huszonkettő, harmincnégy, hatszáznegyvenöt.
Simone: This is 22, 34, 645. Can you say the whole thing again, please?
Csaba: huszonkettő, harmincnégy, hatszáznegyvenöt
Simone: Great, it’ll be easy.
Csaba: Don’t call this number, please.


Simone: We won’t. Well, that’s it for this lesson. Listeners, do you know the reason flash cards are so popular?
Csaba: It’s because they work.
Simone: We’ve taken this time tested studying tool and modernized with ‘My Wordbank’ flashcards.
Csaba: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Simone: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called ‘My Word Bank’.
Csaba: Master words in your ‘My Word Bank’ by practicing with flashcards.
Simone: Words in ‘My Word Bank’ come with audio, so you can learn proper pronunciation.
Csaba: While you learn to recognize words by sight.
Simone: Go to HungarianPod101.com now and try ‘My Word Bank’ and flashcards today.
See you next time! Thanks for listening!
Csaba: Sziasztok!
Simone: Bye!

