
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone, this is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 11, How Much is That in Hungarian?
I'm Simone.
Gergo: And I am Gergo.
Simone: In this lesson, you are going to learn how to use the verb “cost” and ask about prices.
Gergo: The dialogue takes place in a store,
Simone: Between Anne and a store clerk.
Gergo: This time, the conversation is written in a way that the question of politeness is not applicable. Both formal and informal would be possible in this situation though.
Simone: Let’s hear it then.

Lesson conversation

Anne: Ez mennyibe kerül?
Clerk: Ez négyezer-ötszáz forint.
Anne: És a póló? Az mennyibe kerül?
Clerk: Az ötezer-hétszázötven forint.
Anne: Az egy kicsit túl drága. Ezt a felsőt kérem.
Clerk: Máris adom.
English Host: Let's listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Anne: Ez mennyibe kerül?
Clerk: Ez négyezer-ötszáz forint.
Anne: És a póló? Az mennyibe kerül?
Clerk: Az ötezer-hétszázötven forint.
Anne: Az egy kicsit túl drága. Ezt a felsőt kérem.
Clerk: Máris adom.
With Translation
Anne: Ez mennyibe kerül?
Anne: “How much is this?”
Clerk: Ez négyezer-ötszáz forint.
Clerk: “This is 4500 forints.”
Anne: És a póló? Az mennyibe kerül?
Anne: “How about the t-shirt? How much is that?”
Clerk: Az ötezer-hétszázötven forint.
Clerk: “That’s 5750 forints.”
Anne: Az egy kicsit túl drága. Ezt a felsőt kérem.
Anne: “That’s a bit too expensive. I want this top.”
Clerk: Máris adom.
Clerk: “Here it is.”
Simone: Are these prices right?
Gergo: Should be. I don’t often buy women’s clothing. Do they sound expensive?
Simone: Cheap, actually.
Gergo: Well, Hungary is quite cheap compared to Western Europe. But not for the locals, unfortunately. It seems that salaries go up much more slowly, if at all, than prices do.
Simone: I’ve noticed that. Can you recommend anything for the listeners to buy before leaving?
Gergo: Wine, pálinka of course, and make sure you go for a more expensive bottle. Paprika also makes a good gift, if you’re into Hungarian cooking.
Simone: Who wouldn’t be, right?
Gergo: And if you’re looking for any of this, try to go to a market instead of a gift shop. They’ll probably offer you better prices.
Simone: All right, let’s get to the vocab now.
Gergo: mennyibe
Simone: “how much?”
Gergo: meny-nyi-be
Gergo: mennyibe
Gergo: kerül
Simone: “costs”
Gergo: ke-rül
Gergo: kerül
Gergo: póló
Simone: “t-shirt”
Gergo: pó-ló
Gergo: póló
Gergo: kicsit
Simone: “a little bit”
Gergo: ki-csit
Gergo: kicsit
Gergo: felső
Simone: “top”
Gergo: fel-ső
Gergo: felső
Gergo: drága
Simone: “expensive”
Gergo: drá-ga
Gergo: drága
Gergo: ad
Simone: “I’m giving the”
Gergo: ad
Gergo: ad
Gergo: túl
Simone: “too”
Gergo: túl
Gergo: túl
Simone: All right, let’s talk about some of the vocab here.
Gergo: Sure. The first sentence we wanted to discuss here is máris adom.
Simone: “Here it is?”
Gergo: It means something like "here it is." You can use it when handing something over to somebody, or if you are about to do that. For example, they ask you for a lighter, and you start fumbling through your bag, saying
Simone: Máris adom.
Gergo: Good. Adom means “I give” and it is followed by a definite object, so a more precise translation would be “I give the...”
Simone: What if I want to say: “I’ll give you a lighter.”
Gergo: Repeat: Adok egy gyújtót. As you can see, the verb changed from adom to adok. This is because the object changed from definite (the top) to indefinite (a lighter).
Simone: OK, what else do we have?
Gergo: Last time we learned the adverb nagyon, which meant “very”. So in this lesson, we’re going to learn “a little, a bit.” Do you remember from the conversation?
Simone: Kicsit.
Gergo: That’s right, it’s kicsit. The whole sentence was: Az egy kicsit túl drága.
Simone: “That’s a bit too expensive.”
Gergo: In the Hungarian sentence, just like the English one, there are two adverbs actually: kicsit “a bit” and túl or “too.” You can use them separately of course.
Simone: How would you say: “My apartment is too expensive.”
Gergo: Please listen and repeat: A lakásom túl drága.
Simone: That about does it for this section, so let's move on to grammar now.

Lesson focus

Gergo: In this lesson, we are going to focus on how to inquire about prices.
Simone: That’s right listeners, you’ll be able to use these sentences right away. Where do we start?
Gergo: Please repeat this: Ez mennyibe kerül?
Simone: “How much is this?” A very important sentence. Break it down for us, please.
Gergo: Mennyibe means “how much” and kerül is “costs.” There is a bit of complicated grammar involved with the word mennyibe since it involves a grammatical case that we haven’t learned.
Simone: Our recommendation is that you learn mennyibe kerül as one expression.
Gergo: Let’s come up with a few examples.
Simone: How do you say: “How much is the iPhone?
Gergo: Please repeat this: Mennyibe kerül az iphone?
Simone: This time we started the sentence with a question-expression.
Gergo: It doesn’t really matter in this case.
Gergo: Please repeat: Mennyibe kerül a dinnye?
Simone: I remember hearing a different question too.
Gergo: It is more like “how many forints is this/that/whatever.” Please repeat: Az hány forint?
Simone: “How many forints is that?”
Gergo: Hány forint is a question. Literally it means “how many forints?”
Simone: OK, another question: “how many forints is the bag?”
Gergo: Hány forint a táska?
Simone: How do we answer these questions?
Gergo: You may just hear a number and forints. Just like in the conversation. Please repeat: Ez négyezer-ötszáz forint.
Simone: “This is 4500 forints.”
Gergo: Right. Now after you ask the question: mennyibe kerül you may also hear: négyezer-ötszáz forintba. Repeat again: Négyezer-ötszáz forintba. The suffix is also about the whole case, you don’t have to worry about that too much, you just add it to the word forint.
Simone: All right, one last sentence: “The TV costs 125000 forints.”
Gergo: A tévé százhuszonötezer forintba kerül.
Simone: All right everyone, I think that should do it for today.
Gergo: We’ll see you guys next time for another lesson.
Simone: See you later!
Gergo: Sziasztok.

