
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hello everyone, I'm Simone and this is Absolute Beginner, Season 1 Lesson 6 What Would You Like to Order in Hungarian?
Gergo: Hi, sziasztok, I am Gergo. The conversation takes place, well, in a bar.
Simone: It seems that our charming local friend finally asked Anne out on a date.
Gergo: Yes, they are already considered friends, which makes the whole conversation informal.
Simone: All right, let’s listen to the dialogue a couple times, then we can dive into the vocab and grammar stuff.
Gergo: Let’s do it.

Lesson conversation

Balázs Mit kérsz?
Anne Egy pohár bort kérek.
Balázs Még valamit?
Anne Kérek egy ásványvizet is.
Balázs Máris hozom.
Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.(English)
Balázs Mit kérsz?
Anne Egy pohár bort kérek.
Balázs Még valamit?
Anne Kérek egy ásványvizet is.
Balázs Máris hozom.
Let’s listen to the conversation with English translation (English)
Balázs Mit kérsz?
Simone: What would you like to have?
Anne Egy pohár bort kérek.
Simone: I'd like a glass of wine.
Balázs Még valamit?
Simone: Anything else?
Anne Kérek egy ásványvizet is.
Simone: I'd like a mineral water too.
Balázs Máris hozom.
Simone: Right away.
Simone: That’s the dialogue for today. Balázs is taking her order, pretty nice huh?
Gergo: Well, he may not have chosen the best bar in town, or at least one with waiters, but he is doing his best.
Simone: So what can you tell us about Hungarian bar culture?
Gergo: It’s not very complicated. Guys usually pick up the bill in this situation, but going Dutch is also not unheard of, between friends. It’s also polite to ask everyone around the table if they want anything when you’re going to the bar.
Simone: Oh, I almost forgot to ask, what’s the drinking age in Hungary again?
Gergo: It is eighteen for both drinking and smoking. Of which there is less and less every year recently.
Simone: Getting healthier?
Gergo: I wish. No, new regulations will ban smoking pretty much everywhere
Simone: That’s good, right?
Gergo: Let’s just do vocab now, shall we?
Simone: All right...(smiling)
Simone: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Gergo: mit [natural native speed]
Simone: what?/the thing that (accusative)
Gergo: mit [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: mit [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: kér [natural native speed]
Simone: “you’d like” (informal)
Gergo: kér [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: kér [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: egy [natural native speed]
Simone: a
Gergo: egy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: egy [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: pohár [natural native speed]
Simone: glass
Gergo: pohár [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: pohár [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: bor [natural native speed]
Simone: wine
Gergo: bor [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: bor [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: valami [natural native speed]
Simone: something
Gergo: valami [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: valami [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: még [natural native speed]
Simone: else, more
Gergo: még [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: még [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: ásványvíz [natural native speed]
Simone: mineral water”
Gergo: ásványvíz [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: ásványvíz [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: hoz [natural native speed]
Simone: “I get something, I bring something”
Gergo: hoz [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: hoz [natural native speed]
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What do you think about these?
Gergo: I’m thinking we’re really not wasting time. Lesson six and we are at the bar already
Simone: Haha, that's the way it should be!
Gergo: The lesson started with Balázs saying mit kérsz.
Simone: “What would you like to have?”
Gergo: This is a very common question to ask, but it is informal. You may also hear mit kér?
Simone: Again, “what would you like to have?” but this time
Gergo: it’s formal.
Simone: What else?
Gergo: Another phrase you’ll hear often in bars, stores and restaurants is még valamit?
Simone: “Anything else?”
Gergo: Yes, it is short and easy to remember.
Simone: Anything more complicated?
Gergo: Yes, we heard three nouns that you should remember
Simone: “Mineral water, wine, something.”
Gergo: Yes, well the translation is not entirely correct. The nouns are all in the accusative here. I am sure we’ve talked about nominative-accusative before, maybe in a Bootcamp lesson...
Simone: Remind us anyway please.
Gergo: All right. Simply put, nominative is like “he” and accusative is like “him”. Accusative is usually when the noun is the object of a sentence. We don’t want to go into this more here I think.
Simone: Just tell us the nominative form of these and that’s enough. We can always come back later.
Gergo: Ásványvíz.
Simone: “Mineral water.”
Gergo: Bor.
Simone: “Wine.”
Gergo: Valami.
Simone: “Something.”
Gergo: You always find the nominative in the dictionary.
Simone: Ok. And now we’re easing our way into grammar.

Lesson focus

Simone: What do you have for us today?
Gergo: We’re going to talk about kérek - “I’d like.” Last time we explained that // in Hungarian, the verb form changes depending on whether the object noun is definite or indefinite.
Simone: Which means the verb will be different in “I’d like the...” and “I’d like a...”
Gergo: Yes, and last time we learned “I’d like the...,” the definite form. Do you remember?
Simone: Kérem.
Gergo: Right. In this lesson, we’re talking about “I’d like a...” or in Hungarian, kérek egy... We’ll give you a few ready-made examples.
Simone: “I’d like some time.”
Gergo: You know, I am in a bit of a hurry...
Simone: Ha-ha. Just translate the sentence. “I’d like some time.”
Gergo: Listen and repeat ““ Kerek egy kis idot”
Simone: “I’d like a slice of bread.”
Gergo: Listen and repeat “Egy szelet kenyeret kerek”
Simone: So kérek is where exactly in the sentence?
Gergo: That is the good news, you can put it in the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
Simone: These were all first person examples. How about “you’d like.”
Gergo: Just ask: Kérsz egyet?
Simone: “Would you like one?” This is informal, right?
Gergo: Yes, but we can easily make a formal question too. The formal “you” is conjugated like “he.”
Simone: How would you say: “Would you like a coffee?”
Gergo: Listen and repeat: Kér egy kávét?
Simone: I’d sure love one.
Gergo: In your case, since we’re friends, I’d say: Kérsz egy kávét?
Simone: All this conjugation...
Gergo: It is not easy, I’ll give you that. Listeners, please make sure you go online and look at the PDF notes for this lesson. You’ll find all the singular-plural, definite-indefinite conjugations of this word.
Simone: All right, give us one more example and than we’re done for today.
Gergo: Listeners, repeat: Kérsz egy sört?
Simone: “Would you like a beer?” I’d prefer that to coffee actually. The short answer is...
Gergo: Kérek.
Simone: All right, let’s do it then, and we’ll see you guys later.
Gergo: Sziasztok.

