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Hi, everyone! This is Top Words in Hungarian, and we are going to see and learn Top 25 Hungarian Phrases.
1. Szia! “Hello.”
The first one is Szia, which means hello. Szia!
But if I say to all of the viewers, then I would say Sziasztok!
And this is an informal way of greeting people, so please use it with someone who's the same age as you or younger than you. You can use it with people who are older than you or in more high position, just in the case they allow you to use this informal way. They usually say that, yeah, you can you can greet me like this, or you can call me like that, and then it's a green light for saying Szia. If you address more than one person, you should say Sziasztok! So this is how you greet a group of people.
2. Jó reggelt! “Good morning.”
This is what you say in the morning. It's usually used in Hungary from early morning until around 11am, and it literally means good morning.
Jó means “good,” and reggelt means “morning.”
3. Jó napot! “Good afternoon.”
You use this after Jó reggelt, so from around 11am. This also literally means “good day.”
Jó means “good,” and napot means “day.”
Don't use it with kids because it would sound a little weird, but yeah, in general you can use it with strangers, just greet them, Jó napot! Good afternoon!
4. Jó éjszakát! “Good night.”
This is what you say before going to sleep, or when you part with someone in the evening and you won't meet again until the next day. So jó means “good,” and éjszakát means “night.” so Jó éjszakát means “good night.”
5. Mi a neved? “What's your name?”
Mi a neved? is an informal way to ask someone's name. If you would like to be more formal please use Mi a neve?
6. Én (name) vagyok. “I’m [name].”
Én Lena vagyok, I'm Lena.
This is how you introduce yourself, so you have to use Én, which means “I; I am,” and then say your name, and then vagyok, which is “to be” in Hungarian.
So, Én Lena vagyok, I'm Lena. you know, you can use it either in a formal or an informal situation.
7. Örvendek. “Nice to meet you.”
You use Örvendek, “nice to meet you” in a more formal situation. When you just greet friends or friends of your friends, you don't necessarily need to say this otherwise you sound a little bit formal, but it's not totally wrong, it's just you wouldn't sound as friendly.
8. Hogy vagy? “How are you?”
This is an informal way to ask this question, and if you would like to be more formal, please use Hogy van?
So informal is Hogy vagy?
And then a more formal is Hogy van?
9. Köszönöm jól. És te? “I’m fine, thanks. And you?”
This is how you respond when someone asks you “how are you” in Hungarian. Hogy vagy?
So let's see a situation.
Hogy vagy?
Köszönöm jól. És te?
10. Kérem. “Please.”
This can be used either at the beginning of the sentence of what you want to say or at the end. For example, kérem hozzon egy menüt, “please bring me a menu.”
Or you can use it as, ne tegye oda a táskáját kérem, “don't put your bag there, please.”
11. Köszönöm. “Thank you.”
This is a very common way to say “thank you.” There are different levels to say thank you so you can add an extra word in front, or at the end, or both ways. So for instance, nagyon köszönöm means “thank you very much.”
12. Szívesen. “You're welcome.”
Say this after you hear someone saying thank you to you, when you were happy to help out or give them something and then you just say szívesen.
13. Igen. “Yes.”
Szereted a macskákat? “Do you like cat?”
Igen. “Yes.”
14. Nem. “No.”
Szereted a pókokat? “Do you like spiders?”
Nem. “No.”
15. Oké. “Okay.”
This word comes from English, probably it's easier for Hungarian speakers to pronounce it that way, so we just say a sound é at the end, so it sounds oké instead of okay.
16. Elnézést. “Excuse me.”
You can say it in different situations, you can say it when you are at the restaurant and you would like to call the waiter, or you can say it in a store when you would like to catch the shop assistant’s attention, or you can even say it if you bump into someone accidentally and you want to say, you know, excuse me. Yeah, it's pretty universal.
So, elnézést, “Excuse me.”
17. Bocsánat. “I’m sorry.”
When you say bocsánat, it's more like you mean it more, so please use it when you're sorry for something that you've done, a mistake, or you hurt somebody. Or you can use it as well when you're walking down the street and you step on someone's feet, then you can say bocsánat as well.
18. Mennyi az idő? “What time is it?”
This is neither former or informal, you can ask it from anyone. It's pretty simple, just say, mennyi az idő? when you are asking for the time.
19. Merre van a mosdó? “Where is the restroom?”
This is a very very useful phrase. So, merre van a mosdó? when you are looking for the restroom, obviously. So, yeah, if you're in a situation that you need to go, just call this question out and you will know.
20. Várj egy pillanatot. “Wait a moment.”
Yeah, if you want to shorten it up then you can just say várj; or in a formal way, várjon. Even though this phrase “wait a moment” sounds a bit formal in English, actually várj egy pillanatot is an informal way to say it in Hungarian, because of the verb in it, “to wait,” várj, it's an informal way to ask somebody to wait. If you would like to say it in a more formal way, or when you are at the store, you have to use or you’re most likely to hear Várjon egy pillanatot.
21. Ez mennyibe kerül? “How much is this?”
You can use this question at the store when you are not sure about the price and there is no price tag, just ask the shop assistant, ez mennyibe kerül?
22. Segítség! “Help!”
When someone attacks you, or you're in a situation that you need help, that you're about to faint away or something, just scream, Segítség! And then someone will notice it and they will help you.
23. Nem tudom. “I don't know.”
“I don't know what to say,” nem tudom mit mondjak.
24. Később találkozunk. “See you later.”
This is what I'm going to say at the end.
25. Viszontlátásra! “Goodbye.”
If you want to be less formal, you can say viszlát; but it's still in the formal group. If you want to say bye to your friends, just say Helló or Szia! It works both ways, so it's pretty convenient. That's how you say bye to your friends, or you say viszontlátásra! Or viszlát, to someone that you don't know.
And that's the end! Thank you very much for watching this video! Please check out our website HungarianPod101.com for more awesome contents in Hungarian. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a like if you liked the video, and tell us in the comment section which was your favorite phrase! Később találkozunk. Viszontlátásra!

