
Vocabulary (Review)

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Simone: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. I'm Simone and this is Basic Bootcamp Lesson 4. Counting from 1 to 100 in Hungarian. This five pod series will help you ease your way into Hungarian. We’ll go over all the basics that will really help you understand Hungarian more quickly and less painfully.
Csaba: Yeah, it’s fun.
Simone: We promise.
Csaba: In this lesson, you will learn one of the essentials in Hungarian - numbers.
Simone: So, everybody, pull out your abacuses.
Csaba: At least we’ll try to make learning numbers as easy for you as using an abacus.
Simone: Yes, we’ll start with the basics. In this lesson, we will count from 1 to 100.
Csaba: And beyond a little.
Simone: Ok. So now what is something in Hungarian that we will count in 10s, Csaba?
Csaba: Well, ok, I have one. How about cell phones?
Simone: Perfect. However, with that one I think we’re going to get a lot higher than 10, but it works.
Csaba: So maybe let’s count how many cellphones there are in one shop.
Simone: Ok, let’s hear our little number sequence.
egy (1), kettő (2), három (3), négy (4), öt (5), hat (6), hét (7), nyolc (8), kilenc (9), tíz (10)
tizenegy (11), tizenkettő (12), tizenhárom (13), tizennégy (14), tizenöt (15), tizenhat (16), tizenhét (17), tizennyolc (18), tizenkilenc (19)
húsz (20), harminc(30), negyven (40), ötven (50), hatvan (60), hetven (70), nyolcvan (80), kilencven (90), száz (100).
egy (1), kettő (2), három (3), négy (4), öt (5), hat (6), hét (7), nyolc (8), kilenc (9), tíz (10)
tizenegy (11), tizenkettő (12), tizenhárom (13), tizennégy (14), tizenöt (15), tizenhat (16), tizenhét (17), tizennyolc (18), tizenkilenc (19)
húsz (20), harminc(30), negyven (40), ötven (50), hatvan (60), hetven (70), nyolcvan (80), kilencven (90), száz (100).
egy (1), kettő (2), három (3), négy (4), öt (5), hat (6), hét (7), nyolc (8), kilenc (9), tíz (10)
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
tizenegy (11), tizenkettő (12), tizenhárom (13), tizennégy (14), tizenöt (15), tizenhat (16), tizenhét (17), tizennyolc (18), tizenkilenc (19)
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
húsz (20), harminc(30), negyven (40), ötven (50), hatvan (60), hetven (70), nyolcvan (80), kilencven (90), száz (100).
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred
Simone: The words themselves sound so long. Especially those after 10.
Csaba: Maybe, but you will see later that they all have a very logical structure and once you’ve learned the numbers from one to 10 and then maybe 10 to 20, it will get very easy.
Simone: Alright. Give us an explanation.
Csaba: Don’t worry, I know a trick to make it much easier than it sounds.
Simone: So, Csaba, could we use these numbers for counting forints, for example?
Csaba: Not really, they are too small for that. But they are useful for asking about bus numbers, train numbers and things like that.
Simone: Ok. Now let’s take a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Simone: Ok, so first we have…
Csaba: egy
Simone: 1
Csaba: egy, egy
Simone: And next.
Csaba: kettő
Simone: 2
Csaba: kettő, kettő
Simone: And next.
Csaba: három
Simone: 3
Csaba: három, három
Simone: And next.
Csaba: négy
Simone: 4
Csaba: négy, négy
Simone: Next.
Csaba: öt
Simone: 5
Csaba: öt, öt
Simone: Next, please.
Csaba: hat
Simone: 6
Csaba: hat, hat
Simone: And next.
Csaba: hét
Simone: 7
Csaba: hét, hét
Simone: And next.
Csaba: nyolc
Simone: 8
Csaba: nyolc, nyolc
Simone: Next.
Csaba: kilenc
Simone: 9
Csaba: kilenc, kilenc
Simone: And next.
Csaba: tíz
Simone: 10
Csaba: tíz, tíz
Simone: Well, Csaba, I think that these numbers are a little bit difficult to understand.
Csaba: Don’t worry. I know a trick to make it much easier than it sounds.
Simone: So here’s what we’re going to have you do. No matter where you are, no matter if you’re at home or in the subway or in your convertible, we want you to talk to yourself.
Csaba: Yes, don’t worry if people think you’re crazy.
Simone: It’s for a good cause. Basically, Csaba is going to read out each number and you have to repeat it after him.
Csaba: Ok, here we go. I will say it and give you time to repeat aloud after me. Egy, kettő, három, négy, öt, hat, hét, nyolc, kilenc, tíz.
Simone: Ok, those aren’t too hard.
Csaba: I’m glad it wasn’t too painful. Now, I’m going to read the numbers from 11 to 20.
Simone: Listen carefully!
Csaba: Tizenegy, tizenkettő, tizenhárom, tizennégy, tizenöt, tizenhat, tizenhét, tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, húsz.
Simone: Ok, now please read multiples of 10 up to 100.
Csaba: Húsz, harminc, negyven, ötven, hatvan, hetven, nyolcvan, kilencven, száz.
Simone: Ok. Now let’s take a look at how to construct or use these numbers, put them together.
Csaba: So 1 to 10 are pretty easy. There isn’t much going on with these numbers. However, you should know that “kettő”, 2, is often shortened to “két” when followed by a noun.
Simone: This means that when asking for two beers, you say “Két sört kérek.”.
Csaba: Exactly.
Simone: Then we’re done with the numbers up to 10. What happens now?
Csaba: Now you get 11. From 11 to 20 you just basically say “tizen” plus the number you want to use. For example, 11 will be tizenegy, tizenegy.
Simone: 12 will be tizenkettő.
Csaba: And so on.
Simone: And so on is not exactly professional, Csaba. Please read them slowly for our students.
Csaba: Tizenegy, tizenkettő, tizenhárom, tizennégy, tizenöt, tizenhat, tizenhét, tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, húsz.
Simone: Thank you.
Csaba: Well, we are up to 20 now.
Simone: Yes, so do you want to do another ten?
Csaba: Hmmm why not, this is after all the last ten tricky ones. Basically what you have to do after “húsz” is that you say “huszon” plus add the number.
Simone: So that makes 21 huszonegy.
Csaba: Which is not the legal age to drink in Hungary. That is tizennyolc.
Simone: I’ll let them figure that out.
Csaba: So remember, “huszon” plus a number between 1 to 9.
Simone: Just read them all.
Csaba: Huszonegy, huszonkettő, huszonhárom, huszonnégy, huszonöt, huszonhat, huszonhét, huszonnyolc, huszonkilenc, harminc.
Simone: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. That was tiring.
Csaba: Don’t worry, guys. No more tricks. From now on just learn the tens and add the numbers, no change of forms anywhere.
Simone: So 35 would be harmincöt?
Csaba: And 45 is negyvenöt.
Simone: All the way up to 99 which is kilencvenkilenc.
Csaba: Here are the multiples of 10 again. Húsz, harminc, negyven, ötven, hatvan, hetven, nyolcvan, kilencven, száz.
Simone: Ok. So we’re done with the multiples of 10. Now I'm going to venture into some other important number territory. What happens after 100?
Csaba: No excitement there either. Just say “száz” plus some thing we’ve just learned.
Simone: So 125 is…?
Csaba: Százhuszonöt. Then going up from there, 225 is kétszázhuszonöt.
Simone: Alright, so I guess that won’t be very difficult.
Csaba: No, but since all the prices in Hungary are usually in the 100, 1,000 or 10,000 territory, I suggest you tune in next time.
Simone: When we discuss the bigger numbers.
Csaba: Just remember, as you are getting higher in numbers, you always form them according to the same system.


Simone: Alright. That’s it for now.
Csaba: Listeners, can you understand Hungarian TV shows, movies or songs?
Simone: How about friends and loved ones? Conversations in Hungarian?
Csaba: If you want to know what’s going on, we have a tool to help.
Simone: It’s line by line audio.
Csaba: Listen to the lesson conversations line by line and learn to understand natural Hungarian fast.
Simone: It’s simple, really.
Csaba: With the click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Simone: Listen again and again and tune your ear to natural Hungarian.
Csaba: Rapidly understand natural Hungarian with this powerful tool.
Simone: Find this feature on the lesson page under Premium Member Resources at HungarianPod101.com.
Thanks for listening! Bye!
Csaba: Sziasztok!

