
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone and welcome to Upper Beginner Hungarian, season 1, lesson 11, Go to Hungary, See the Celebrities. I am Simone.
Csaba: And I am Csaba.
Simone: In this lesson we’re going to learn more about word order and sentence building.
Csaba: The conversation takes place at Susan’s apartment.
Simone: The conversation is between Susan and Dani.
Csaba: They use the informal language.
Simone: Let’s listen to it now.
Dani: Képzeld kivel találkoztam!
Susan: Kivel?
Dani: Angelina Jolieval találkoztam a metróban.
Susan: Hol??
Dani: A metróban láttam.
Susan: Mit csinál itt Magyarországon?
Dani: Filmet forgat. Olvastam.
Susan: Melyik újságban?
Dani: Az interneten olvastam, nem az újságban.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Dani: Képzeld kivel találkoztam!
Susan: Kivel?
Dani: Angelina Jolieval találkoztam a metróban.
Susan: Hol??
Dani: A metróban láttam.
Susan: Mit csinál itt Magyarországon?
Dani: Filmet forgat. Olvastam.
Susan: Melyik újságban?
Dani: Az interneten olvastam, nem az újságban.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Dani: Képzeld kivel találkoztam!
Simone: Guess who I met!
Susan: Kivel?
Simone: Who?
Dani: Angelina Jolieval találkoztam a metróban.
Simone: I met Angelina Jolie in the subway.
Susan: Hol??
Simone: Where??
Dani: A metróban láttam.
Simone: I saw her in the subway.
Susan: Mit csinál itt Magyarországon?
Simone: What is she doing in Hungary?
Dani: Filmet forgat. Olvastam.
Simone: Shooting a movie. I read about it.
Susan: Melyik újságban?
Simone: Which newspaper?
Dani: Az interneten olvastam, nem az újságban.
Simone: I read it on the Internet, not in the newspaper.
Simone: Is there a good chance of running into Brangelina on the Budapest subway?
Csaba: Only about a 40% chance. But seriously, we must have mentioned how many Hollywood movies are shot here. Budapest has played the role of Berlin, Moscow, Prague and all kinds of European cities.
Simone: Why is it?
Csaba: Tax reasons. Right now the newest blockbusters shot in Budapest include Mission Impossible 4, Die Hard 5 and Angelina Jolie’s movie on the Balkans War. So yes, there is a chance you run into Bruce Willis in Budapest.
Simone: One more reason to walk around a lot.
Csaba: Sometimes entire sections of the downtown area are walled off for the shoot, much to the delight of the locals, who need to show their Ids twice a day just to leave their homes or take the dog for a walk.
Simone: Well, concentrate on the good side and take the money.
Csaba: Always a good advice. Let’s see the vocab section now.
Simone: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Csaba: képzel [natural native speed]
Simone: imagine
Csaba: képzel [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: képzel [natural native speed]
Csaba: találkozik [natural native speed]
Simone: to meet
Csaba: találkozik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: találkozik [natural native speed]
Csaba: metró [natural native speed]
Simone: subway
Csaba: metró [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: metró [natural native speed]
Csaba: lát [natural native speed]
Simone: see
Csaba: lát [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: lát [natural native speed]
Csaba: film [natural native speed]
Simone: movie
Csaba: film [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: film [natural native speed]
Csaba: forgat [natural native speed]
Simone: shoot
Csaba: forgat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: forgat [natural native speed]
Csaba: internet [natural native speed]
Simone: Internet
Csaba: internet [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: internet [natural native speed]
Csaba: újság [natural native speed]
Simone: news, newspaper
Csaba: újság [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: újság [natural native speed]
Csaba: melyik [natural native speed]
Simone: which, which one
Csaba: melyik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: melyik [natural native speed]
Csaba: kivel [natural native speed]
Simone: with whom
Csaba: kivel [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: kivel [natural native speed]
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Simone: What is the first expression.
Csaba: First we learn a verb
Simone: “To imagine.”
Csaba: Képzelni. Now we very often use it in the imperative to express something like “guess what!” Képzeld, megyek a koncertre!
Simone: “Guess what, I’m going to the concert!”
Csaba: Képzeld, megyek a koncertre!
Simone: We’ll move on to the next phrase now.
Csaba: Találkozni means “to meet” and the actual meeting can be both deliberate or accidental, “run into.”
Simone: Can you use it in a sentence?
Csaba: Este találkozunk.
Simone: “See you tonight.”
Csaba: Este találkozunk. In Hungarian you “meet with” the person. This noun ending is -val, -vel, depending on the vowel setup.
Simone: Just like in the dialogue.
Csaba: Találkoztam Angelina Jolieval.
Simone: “I met Angelina Jolie.”
Csaba: Találkoztam Angelina Jolieval. This noun ending is somewhat tricky. Not only do you have to match the vowels this time, but if the noun ends in a consonant, the -v sound of the suffix will become that consonant. This is called assimilation.
Simone: Let’s see an example to that one too.
Csaba: Találkoztam az exeddel.
Simone: “I ran into your ex-.”
Csaba: Találkoztam az exeddel. Exed is “your ex.” It ends in a -d, therefore the suffix will have a -d too.
Simone: Say it again slower.
Csaba: Találkoztam az exeddel. You can also imagine it this way
Simone: All right. Anything else?
Csaba: One more thing here. The question word also has this ending. Kivel? Kivel?
Simone: “With whom?”
Csaba: And now we’re going to look at the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Simone: In this lesson we’re going to continue learning about word order and we’ll do some more sentence building.
Csaba: Last time we discussed sentences where no element or phrase received extra emphasis. These were called neutral sentences.
Simone: What is the first sentence we look at?
Csaba: Angelina Jolieval találkoztam a metróban.
Simone: “I met Angelina Jolie on the subway.”
Csaba: Angelina Jolieval találkoztam a metróban. Three elements in the sentence. The first one is Angelina Jolival. This is of course the name with -val attached. We discussed this in the vocab section.
Simone: This ending means “with.”
Csaba: The next element is találkoztam. This is the first person singular past tense form of találkozni, or “to meet.” Találkoztam.
Simone: All right, and finally we had “on the subway.”
Csaba: “In the subway” to be completely literal. A metróban. 2X This is metró plus -ban, the ending that means “in.”
Simone: So what is up with the word order?
Csaba: This is how you should try to understand it
Simone: That means that if you change the word order a bit, you can emphasize a different piece of information.
Csaba: A metróban találkoztam Angelina Jolival.
Simone: “I met Angelina Jolie on the subway.” And not on the bus.
Csaba: A metróban találkoztam Angelina Jolival. A metróban got moved to before the verb.
Simone: And if you want to emphasize who met Angelina?
Csaba: Than you use the pronoun. Én találkoztam Angelina Jolieval a metróban.
Simone: “I met Angelina Jolie on the subway.” (and not Peter)
Csaba: Én találkoztam Angelina Jolieval a metróban. Normally the pronoun is not uttered, because the verb conjugation tells us who did the action. But if you want to emphasize it of course you have to say it.
Simone: Let’s see one more of these sentences.
Csaba: Az interneten olvastam, nem az újságban.
Simone: “I read it on the internet, not in the newspaper.”
Csaba: Az interneten olvastam, nem az újságban. Interneten is “on the net.” Újságban is in the newspaper.
Simone: In conclusion, remember that whatever you place before the verb will be emphasized.
Csaba: This is the gist of it, yes. Please check out the PDF guide where we explain this in even more detail.
Simone: And come back next time when we continue building sentences.
Csaba: Until next time, sziasztok.
Simone: Bye!


Simone: That just about does it for today.
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Csaba: You're very busy.
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