
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone and welcome to Upper Beginner Hungarian, season 1, lesson 21, Are you Beer-ing Tonight in Hungary?. I am Simone.
Csaba: And I am Csaba.
Simone: In this lesson we’re going to learn to turn nouns into verbs.
Csaba: The conversation takes place at Susan’s school.
Simone: The conversation is between Susan and student.
Csaba: They use the formal language.
Simone: Let’s listen to it now.
Susan: Hol vannak a többiek? Mit csinálnak?
Diák: Jani labdázik, Kati pedig babázik.
Susan: Szólj nekik kérlek. Kezdődik az óra.
Diák: Szólok. Tanárnéni, ma délután villamosozunk az uszodába?
Susan: Nem, hanem trolizik az osztály.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Susan: Hol vannak a többiek? Mit csinálnak?
Diák: Jani labdázik, Kati pedig babázik.
Susan: Szólj nekik kérlek. Kezdődik az óra.
Diák: Szólok. Tanárnéni, ma délután villamosozunk az uszodába?
Susan: Nem, hanem trolizik az osztály.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Susan: Hol vannak a többiek? Mit csinálnak?
Simone: Where are the others? What are they doing?
Diák: Jani labdázik, Kati pedig babázik.
Simone: Jani is playing with a ball and Kati is playing with a doll.
Susan: Szólj nekik kérlek. Kezdődik az óra.
Simone: Please call them. Class is starting.
Diák: Szólok. Tanárnéni, ma délután villamosozunk az uszodába?
Simone: I'll let them know. Miss, this afternoon are we taking the tram to the swimming pool?
Susan: Nem, hanem trolizik az osztály.
Simone: No, the class will take the trolley.
Simone: I've noticed that Hungarians take their swimming very seriously.
Csaba: Sure. Most people know the names of the gold medalists at every Olympics. There is one or two every four years. Beijing was an exception, because Phelps really messed our game up.
Simone: What was that, like, two silvers?
Csaba: Three silver medals for our guy, Cseh Laci. Really annoying, losing to the same guy three times in a row.
Simone: He'll get there. Besides, it is not that you guys don't have enough golds in swimming.
Csaba: That's correct, we're actually number four after The U.S, Australia and Japan.
Simone: See? That's quite an achievement. What else is Hungary good at? And please spare me the talk on waterpolo. We know that already.
Csaba: Fencing and canoeing are really good here. I know, very random.
Simone: All right, enough of sports, let's see the vocab section.
Simone: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Csaba: labda [natural native speed]
Simone: ball
Csaba: labda [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: labda [natural native speed]
Csaba: baba [natural native speed]
Simone: doll
Csaba: baba [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: baba [natural native speed]
Csaba: szól [natural native speed]
Simone: tell, notify
Csaba: szól [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: szól [natural native speed]
Csaba: óra [natural native speed]
Simone: class, subject
Csaba: óra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: óra [natural native speed]
Csaba: villamos [natural native speed]
Simone: tram
Csaba: villamos [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: villamos [natural native speed]
Csaba: uszoda [natural native speed]
Simone: swimming pool
Csaba: uszoda [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: uszoda [natural native speed]
Csaba: troli [natural native speed]
Simone: trolley
Csaba: troli [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: troli [natural native speed]
Csaba: osztály [natural native speed]
Simone: class (group of students)
Csaba: osztály [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: osztály [natural native speed]
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Simone: Let's start with szólj.
Csaba: Szólj means “let me know...” If you're pouring someone a drink, you usually say
Simone: “Say when.”
Csaba: Szólj!
Simone: What is the answer to that?
Csaba: Wait for the glass to be full. All right, all right. The answer to that is this
Simone: “Enough, thanks”
Csaba: In this conversation, Susan uses this verb in a different meaning. Szólj nekik.
Simone: “Let them know.”
Csaba: Szólj nekik. She didn't specify what the kid should let them know. It is enough to say the object, that is, “whom” you want to notify. In this context, the verb means “call them.”
Simone: And nekik means...?
Csaba: Nekik means “for them” actually, it is the third person pronoun that is used in this noun case. Nekik – “for them.”
Simone: There is also a confusion to be cleared up in connection with all the classes and hours...
Csaba: Óra can mean “hour” and “class” as well. “Class” as in “a 45 minute study period” and not the group of people. Actually, it can also mean “watch.”
Simone: Let's use it in a sentence.
Csaba: Ma hat órám lesz.
Simone: “Today, I'm gonna have six classes.”
Csaba: Ma hat órám lesz.
Simone: So how do you say “class” as in a group of people?
Csaba: Osztály in Hungarian.
Simone: Example, please.
Csaba: Az osztályban 8-an vagyunk.
Simone: “We're eight people in the class.”
Csaba: Az osztályban 8-an vagyunk. Osztályban means “in the class.” Nyolcan means “8” with the appropriate ending attached. Before people, the ending -an is added. Nyolcan.
Simone: And let's hope that vagyunk needs no explanation by this point, right? All right, that should do it for the vocabulary section, let's see the grammar.
Csaba: Let's do that!

Lesson focus

Simone: In this lesson we're going to learn how to turn a noun into a verb.
Csaba: This is often used with instruments, means of transport, hobbies and many other nouns, as you will see in a second.
Simone: Let's take the first examples from the dialogue.
Csaba: Jani labdázik, Kati pedik babázik.
Simone: “Jani is playing with a ball and Kati is playing with a doll.”
Csaba: Jani labdázik, Kati pedik babázik. In this sentence the original nouns are labda and baba.
Simone: These nouns mean “ball” and “doll.”
Csaba: Both of them received a -zik ending. This is common after nouns that end in a vowel. This operation turns the noun into a third person verb.
Simone: Which means, that the correct but ungrammatical translation of the above sentence would be “Jani is balling and Kati is dolling.”
Csaba: Uh-huh. The rule is this
Simone: Can you give us a few more examples?
Csaba: Tibi csak kólázik.
Simone: “Tibi is only drinking coke.”
Csaba: Tibi csak kólázik. The original noun is kóla or “coke.” If the last vowel is an a (or an e), it is lengthened, as is the case with many endings. Other vowels don't lengthen.
Simone: Let's see one of those too.
Csaba: Csaba nem focizik.
Simone: “Csaba is not playing soccer.”
Csaba: Csaba nem focizik. The original noun is foci, “soccer.” When the last sound of the noun is a consonant, you attach one of the three following endings
Simone: This is the usual back vowel, front vowel, rounded vowel choice.
Csaba: I'll give you a front vowel example
Simone: “Gabi does not play tennis.”
Csaba: Gabi nem teniszezik. From tenisz, a front vowel word.
Simone: Let's see a rounded one, those are rare.
Csaba: Ma este ki sörözik?
Simone: “Who's having beers tonight?”
Csaba: Ma este ki sörözik? From sör, a rounded vowel word.
Simone: All right, anything else?
Csaba: One more thing. This sentence
Simone: “Miss, this afternoon are we taking the tram to the swimming pool?”
Csaba: In this sentence not only is the noun villamos, or “tram” turned into a verb, but it is also conjugated to the first person plural.
Simone: Walk us through that.
Csaba: Villamos – villamosozik – villamosozunk. The conjugation for each person is the same as with normal verbs, but it is attached to the -oz, -ez, -öz, -z part of the suffix.
Simone: All right, that does it for this lesson. Listeners, come back for more next time. Bye!
Csaba: Sziasztok!


Simone: That just about does it for today.
Csaba: Listeners, can you understand Hungarian TV shows, movies or songs?
Simone: How about friends and loved ones? conversations in Hungarian?
Csaba: If you want to know what's going on, we have a tool to help.
Simone: Line-by-line audio.
Csaba: Listen to the lesson conversations Line-By-Line, and learn to understand natural Hungarian fast!
Simone: It's simple really.
Csaba: With a click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Simone: Listen again and again, and tune your ear to natural Hungarian.
Csaba: Rapidly understand natural Hungarian with this powerful tool.
Simone: Find this feature on the lesson page under Premium Member resources at HungarianPod101.com.

