Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sziasztok, Lívia vagyok. Hi everybody! I’m Livia.
Welcome to HungarianPod101.com’s “Magyar nyelvleckék három percben”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hungarian.
In the last lesson, we learned how to easily use Hungarian adjectives.
In this lesson we will start learning the most common Hungarian verbs, the ones you will definitely hear all the time!
The first verb will be megy, which means "to go". We will use this word along with many different destinations.
So imagine someone asks you Hová mész a télen? That means "Where are you going for your winter holidays?" in the informal form.
So if you are going to a ski resort for example you will say Síelni megyek.
[slowly] Síelni megyek.
So let’s break down this answer-
Do you remember how to conjugate verbs in the present tense? Let’s try it with this one.
megyek - I go
mész - you go (singular)
megy - he/she/it goes
megyünk - we go
mentek - you go (plural)
mennek - they go
Notice that in the question, the verb indicates the second person. Hová mész? Where are YOU going?
In Hungarian, verbs usually appear at the end of the sentence, so when answering, you just have to conjugate the verb in the correct form.
Síelni megyek.
Síelni in this form means “go to ski”. The dictionary form of this verb is síel. When indicating “go to do something” we put the suffix “-ni” after the dictionary form of the verb. So síel becomes síelni.
Let’s see this question in formal language as well.
Hová megy a télen? - “Where are you going for the winter holidays?”
[slowly] Hová megy a télen?
Now let’s try the same thing using nouns.
For example, you want to say - “We are going to the sauna.”
“sauna” is szauna.
With nouns, you have to use the suffix -ba or -be which indicates direction.
Do you remember how to conjugate the verb to indicate “we”?
That’s right, megyünk.
Szaunába megyünk.
[slowly] Szaunába megyünk.
Now it’s time for Livia’s tips.
A difficult part of the Hungarian language is vowels changing depending on suffixes. For example, words ending in a or e, almost certainly change to á or é when adding the suffixes.
Szauna, becomes szanÁba.
This change doesn’t occur if the word ends with a consonant.
So, in this lesson, we learned how to use the verb megy.
Next time we’ll learn another very useful verb, csinál, meaning “to do something.”
Do you know how to ask people what they are doing? We’ll talk about it in the next Magyar nyelvleckék három percben. Sziasztok!

