Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sziasztok, Lívia vagyok! Hi everybody! I’m Livia.
Welcome to HungarianPod101.com’s “Magyar nyelvleckék három percben”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hungarian.
In the last lesson, we learned the numbers from one to ten. Do you remember? In case you don’t, I'll tell you again:
Egy, kettő, három, négy, öt, hat, hét, nyolc, kilenc, tíz.
And now let’s continue from eleven.
tizenegy. (11)
[slowly] tizenegy.
tizenkettő. (12)
[slowly] tizenkettő.
tizenhárom. (13)
[slowly] tizenhárom.
tizennégy. (14)
[slowly] tizennégy.
tizenöt. (15)
[slowly] tizenöt.
tizenhat. (16)
[slowly] tizenhat.
tizenhét. (17)
[slowly] tizenhét.
tizennyolc. (18)
[slowly] tizennyolc.
tizenkilenc. (19)
[slowly] tizenkilenc.
And finally we have:
húsz (20)
[slowly] húsz.
Okay, now repeat after me. I'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one.
These numbers may seem harder to remember, but you might have noticed that they all start with tizen-, which means “in the tens”. The latter part is the same as the singular numbers.
Let’s not stop at 20! Counting to one hundred is super easy! Now I'll give you the tens:
harminc (30)
(slowly) harminc
negyven (40)
(slowly) negyven
ötven (50)
(slowly) ötven
hatvan (60)
(slowly) hatvan
hetven (70)
(slowly) hetven
nyolcvan (80)
(slowly) nyolcvan
kilencven (90)
(slowly) kilencven
száz (100)
(slowly) száz
While you have to memorize a few of these numbers, from 50 to 90 just put -ven after the singular numbers and you have it!
The last thing you’ll learn in this lesson is how to form compound numbers above twenty. This is also super easy!
Take the tens and simply add the numbers you learned in the previous lesson.
Let’s try it out.
How would you say “fifty-six” in Hungarian? Let’s take it step-by-step. "Fifty" is ötven, and then add "six", hat.
ötvenhat! It’s done! Isn’t that easy?
Let’s make another number, for instance, "ninety-eight."
Take "ninety", kilencven, and add "eight", nyolc
The only exceptions are the twenties. Twenty is húsz, but when saying “twenty-one”, “twenty-two,” húsz changes to huszon-
For example, Huszonegy. “Twenty-one.”
Huszonkettő. “Twenty-two.” And so on.
Now it’s time for Livia’s tips.
Make sure you pay attention to the pronunciation.
For example, 20 is húsz with a long u, but 21 is huszonegy, with the u pronounced short.
Négy is “four”, but “forty” is negyven.
After only two lessons, you are now able to count to one hundred in Hungarian!
In the next lesson we are going to put your number knowledge to use! Do you have all the skills you need to go shopping in Hungary? If not, I'll be waiting for you in our next Magyar nyelvleckék három percben lesson.

