
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Season 1 Lesson 6, Get Your Hungarian Address Right to get Your Delicious Hungarian Dinner. I'm Simone.
Csaba:And I'm Csaba. Sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson we’re going to order food and you'll learn how to say your Hungarian address.
Csaba:The conversation is on the phone.
Simone:And it is between Balázs and a restaurant employee.
Csaba:They don’t know each other so they use formal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone: Alright, we now know their address. Listeners, please don't bother the people living there.
Csaba: These are all random names and numbers, don't worry. But parts of the 9th district are pretty nice to live in.
Simone: The 5th district too?
Csaba: Yes, that is pretty much the middle of Budapest. Of all the 23 districts, I'd go with the 5th, 13th, and parts of the 6th to 9th if you're looking for a central location.
Simone: All the numbers above 10 are usually further away, and that's where you find actual houses with gardens.
Csaba: Right. The 1st district would also be nice, but unfortunately, the real estate prices in the castle are ridiculously high.
Simone: It would be cool to live in a castle though.
Csaba: One day, Simone, one day. Alright, shall we look at the vocab?
Simone: Let's do it.
The first word we shall see is...
Phone number.
Kerület. Kerület.
Utca. Utca.
E-me-let. Emelet.
El-ső. Első.
Kapucsengő. Kapucsengő.
And last,
Big, popular family name.
Nagy. Nagy.
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Csaba: The first phrase we'll look at is… Mi a telefonszáma?
Simone: "What's your phone number?"
Csaba: Mi a telefonszáma? This is a formal way of asking for someone's number. This could refer to landlines and cell numbers as well.
Simone: How do you say the more informal version?
Csaba: Mi a telefonszámod? Mi a telefonszámod?
Simone: Now let's learn how to answer.
Csaba: Alright. Cell phone numbers in Hungary have 11 digits. The first two are always...
Simone: Zero, six.
Csaba: Nulla, hat.
Simone: Then we have either twenty, thirty or seventy.
Csaba: Let's go with thirty. Harminc. So far we have nulla, hat, harminc.
Simone: Alright. Now let's say the next three are six, three, five.
Csaba: You'd want to say "six, thirty-five." Hat, harmincöt.
Simone: And if the remaining numbers are three, one, four, two?
Csaba: You say "thirty-one, forty-two." Harmincegy, negyvenkettő.
Simone: Can we hear the whole number?
Csaba: Nulla, hat, harminc, hat, harmincöt, harmincegy, negyvenkettő.
Simone: Got it.
Csaba: One more thing. As you have just heard in the conversation, the delivery people in Budapest don't usually ask your name, but what's on the doorbell?
Simone: How did that question sound again?
Csaba: Mi van a kapucsengőn?
Simone: Repeat, please.
Csaba: Mi van a kapucsengőn? Kapucsengő is doorbell, and the ending -n means on. It should be familiar from previous series.
Simone: Let's hear another similar sentence.
Csaba: Mi van a kabátodon?
Simone: "What's on your coat?"
Csaba: Mi van a kabátodon? So, mi van a ...-on means "what is on the ..."
Simone: This should be useful when you're crawling in the mud in the Hungarian jungle.
Csaba: Exactly. Okay, let's go to grammar now.
Simone: Okay, let's go to the grammar now. In this lesson, you're going to learn how to say your full address.
Csaba: Right. You might be asked at some point, Mi a címed?
Simone: What is your address?
Csaba: Mi a címed? The formal version might also come up. Mi a címe?
Simone: What is your address? This is formal.
Csaba: Mi a címe?
Simone: Alright, and how do we answer?
Csaba: We always go from big to small. You start with the name of the town if it is not obvious.
Simone: In our case, that's Budapest.
Csaba: Budapest. In Budapest, your second thing to say is the district. The eighth district is Nyolcadik kerület.
Simone: Nyolcadik is the eighth, and kerület is district. Alright, what's next?
Csaba: Krúdi utca nyolc.
Simone: Krúdi?
Csaba: Just a name. Hungarian streets are never numbered, but often named after famous people and other things. Utca, however, is important. That means street.
Simone: And finally, we have the floor and door number.
Csaba: Első emelet hat. Első is the first, and emelet is floor.
Simone: Nice. Can you say the entire address again?
Csaba: Budapest, Nyolcadik kerület, Krúdi utca nyolc, első emelet hat.
Simone: Alright, anything else we should know?
Csaba: Yes. Út is road, and utca is street. You have to know which one to say, otherwise, you might give someone else's address.
Simone: Okay, I think we also need to talk about ordinal numbers as well.
Csaba: Alright. I'm going to say them from the first to the 10th.
Simone: And I'll say the English.
Csaba: Első.
Simone: First.
Csaba: Második.
Simone: Second.
Csaba: Harmadik.
Simone: Third.
Csaba: Negyedik.
Simone: Fourth.
Csaba: Ötödik.
Simone: Fifth.
Csaba: Hatodik.
Simone: Sixth.
Csaba: Hetedik.
Simone: Seventh.
Csaba: Nyolcadik.
Simone: Eighth.
Csaba: Kilencedik.
Simone: Ninth.
Csaba: Tizedik.
Simone: Tenth.
Csaba: Sounds good.


Simone: Okay, that's it for this lesson. Thanks for listening and see you all next time.
Csaba: Sziasztok.

