
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone and welcome to HungarianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Season 1, lesson 7, A Delicious Hungarian Delivery. I’m Simone.
Csaba: And I'm Csaba. Sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson we’re going to learn about Hungarian prefixes and how to say "go up, come down" and so on.
Csaba: The dialogue takes place at the door and on the phone.
Simone: Yes, and it is between Balázs and the food delivery guy.
Csaba:They use informal language.
Simone: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone: Wow, he whipped out a "hello" first thing on the phone. Isn't that rude?
Csaba: Well, not always. He guessed it would be a young person. I don't know. To be honest, people in the service industry in Hungary take liberties with the informal language very often.
Simone: Yeah, I've noticed that.
Csaba: Most of the time, I feel like we shouldn't be offended. But when you start in a formal tone, saying "Jó napot kívánok"...
Simone: "Good afternoon."
Csaba: ...and the store clerk answers with a "Szia," well, that's grounds to be angry, in my opinion.
Simone: Yes, listeners, you'll get the hang of it. The informal language is taking over.
Csaba: Which is fine, but you know, the customer is always right and so on. I feel like there's still a bit to be learned in this department.
Simone: All right, I'll let you grumble after the end of this lesson. But now, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is?
Kaja. Kaja.
Hozni. Hozni.
Fel. Fel.
Le. Le.
Apró. Apró.
Pénz. Pénz.
Baj. Baj.
Last is?
Nem baj.
No problem.
Nem baj. Nem baj.
Simone: All right fellows, let's dive into the vocab for this lesson.
Csaba: The first word we're going to learn is "kaja", which means "food." It's an informal way to say food.
Simone: Somewhat strange to hear from the delivery guy, but you've explained...
Csaba: Yeah... Anyway, moving on, we have "3200 forint lesz."
Simone: "It will be 3200 forints."
Csaba:." "Lesz" means "will be." When you talk about prices, you'll often use this verb.
Simone: Right. So "lesz" is the future tense of "to be," right?
Csaba: Yep. We'll talk about the conjugation of future sentences later, but it's actually very simple. Don't worry.
Simone: Okay. What else do we have?
Csaba: Balázs asks: "Van apród?"
Simone: "Do you have change?"
Csaba: "Van apród?" This one doesn't always refer to actual coins. When you're paying with a ten or twenty thousand forint bill, it's polite to ask if the other person has change.
Simone: And what if they don't?
Csaba: Well, you should start looking for smaller bills or at least pretend. Then you feign compassion, try to look sorry, and pay with a big bill anyway.
Simone: (laughs) Wonderful advice.
Csaba: You might also say, Elnézést, nincs apróm.
Simone: "I'm sorry. I don't have change."
Csaba: Elnézést, nincs apróm. All right. Let's see the grammar.
Simone: In this lesson, you're going to learn how to use prefixes that indicate directions when put in front of verbs.
Csaba: Right. At some point in the conversation, the delivery guy says, felmegyek. Megyek should be familiar by now. It means "I'm going."
Simone: And the short syllable before that is?
Csaba: Fel. It means "up." It is a prefix that's attached to the verb, to the left side of the verb, and it indicates the direction of the action.
Simone: Say it again in a sentence. "I'll go up to your place tonight."
Csaba: Ma este felmegyek.
Simone: The opposite of this would be "down."
Csaba: Lemegyek. Le means "down."
Simone: How do you say "I'll go down to the entrance?"
Csaba: Lemegyek a kapuba.
Csaba: Lemegyek a kapuba.
Simone: These seem to be fairly easy to handle.
Csaba: They are not too hard indeed. There are more though, and these are just as straightforward.
Simone: All right.
Csaba: Ki means "out" and be means "in."
Simone: So, "I'm going outside to the yard" would be?
Csaba: Kimegyek az udvarra.
Simone: Again please.
Csaba: Kimegyek az udvarra.
Simone: What about "can I come over?"
Csaba: This is actually "can I go over" in Hungarian. Átmehetek. Át is the prefix that means "over."
Simone: Can you repeat that again?
Csaba: Átmehetek.
Simone: All right. Anything else?
Csaba: Well, one more thing. When people outside Budapest say they're going to Budapest, they often say "go up." You go up to the capital.
Simone: "We're going to Budapest."
Csaba: Felmegyünk Budapestre.
Simone: All right. And it works the other way around too, right?
Csaba: Exactly. Many times people go down to other cities.
Simone: How about we say we want to go down to Debrecen?
Csaba: Lemegyünk Debrecenbe?
Simone: "Shall we go (down) to Debrecen?"
Csaba: Lemegyünk Debrecenbe?


Simone: Okay everyone, that's it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes and see you next time.
Csaba: Sziasztok.

