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Lesson Transcript

John: Expressions Related to a "Big Deal"
John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. I'm John.
Lena: And I'm Lena!
John: This is Must-Know Hungarian Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 21. In this lesson, you'll learn expressions related to a "big deal".
John: If you want to refer to a "big deal" or say something is "no big deal" in Hungarian, you can use these slang expressions.
John: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are:
Lena: nem nagy durranás
Lena: nem nagy kunszt
Lena: nagy szám
Lena: nem egy leányálom
John: Lena, what's our first expression?
Lena: nem nagy durranás
John: literally meaning "not a big bang." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "not a big deal."
Lena: [SLOW] nem nagy durranás [NORMAL] nem nagy durranás
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Lena: nem nagy durranás
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to say that something does not meet expectations.
John: Let's hear an example sentence.
Lena: [NORMAL] Ez a buli nem valami nagy durranás. [SLOW] Ez a buli nem valami nagy durranás.
John: "This party is not much fun."
Lena: [NORMAL] Ez a buli nem valami nagy durranás.
John: Okay, what's the next expression?
Lena: nem nagy kunszt
John: literally meaning "not a big art." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "not very difficult to do."
Lena: [SLOW] nem nagy kunszt [NORMAL] nem nagy kunszt
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Lena: nem nagy kunszt
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to express that you do not think much of an achievement or action.
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Lena: [NORMAL] Amit csinál, igazán nem nagy kunszt. [SLOW] Amit csinál, igazán nem nagy kunszt.
John: "What he is doing is not difficult to do at all."
Lena: [NORMAL] Amit csinál, igazán nem nagy kunszt.
John: Okay, what's our next expression?
Lena: nagy szám
John: literally meaning "big number." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "a big deal."
Lena: [SLOW] nagy szám [NORMAL] nagy szám
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Lena: nagy szám
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to refer to something or someone that is a big deal or worth mentioning; or in negation, that something or someone is not a big deal or worth mentioning.
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Lena: [NORMAL] Azt hiszed ez valami nagy szám? [SLOW] Azt hiszed ez valami nagy szám?
John: "Do you think that it is a big deal?"
Lena: [NORMAL] Azt hiszed ez valami nagy szám?
John: Okay, what's the last expression?
Lena: nem egy leányálom
John: literally meaning "not a girl's dream." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "not something that you would wish for or desire."
Lena: [SLOW] nem egy leányálom [NORMAL] nem egy leányálom
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Lena: nem egy leányálom
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to express that something is not desired.
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Lena: [NORMAL] Gyere, próbáld ki! Hidd el, nem egy leányálom. [SLOW] Gyere, próbáld ki! Hidd el, nem egy leányálom.
John: "Come on, try it. Believe me, it is not something that you'd wish for."
Lena: [NORMAL] Gyere, próbáld ki! Hidd el, nem egy leányálom.
John: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I will describe four situations, and you will choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
John: Everyone received a participation trophy, you just had to show up.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Lena: nem nagy kunszt
John: "not very difficult to do"
John: You don’t know why your friend is so excited about the movie.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Lena: nem nagy durranás
John: "not a big deal"
John: That’s awful. You wouldn’t wish that on your greatest enemy!
[pause - 5 sec.]
Lena: nem egy leányálom
John: "not something that you would wish for or desire"
John: Getting all A’s this semester is a great achievement! You should tell your parents.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Lena: nagy szám
John: "a big deal"


John: There you have it; you have mastered four Hungarian Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at HungarianPod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Lena: Viszlát!

