
Vocabulary (Review)

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Sziasztok. Hello and welcome to Hungarian Survival Phrases brought to you by HungarianPod101.com, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Hungary. You will be surprised at how far a little Hungarian will go.
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Lesson focus

While most people wouldn't or couldn't step outside without their cell phones, when visiting another country, sometimes it's a little too far for your local carrier. You can of course use your cell phone when you get to Hungary, but you have to pay very expensive charges. So if you feel like saving your money, the good old ways work like a charm.
In Hungary, you can buy phone cards and calling cards. Phone cards are usually for local calls and they are used in phone booths. These booths are not as numerous as they used to be; cell phones are of course more popular. Calling cards are usually for international calls, and you can use them with your own cell phone or in booths and they give excellent rates to most countries. This is what we will focus on in this lesson.
Before asking for a card, you may want to find out if they have the cards. In Hungarian, "Do you sell telephone cards/calling cards?" is Árulnak hívókártyát?
Let's break it down by syllable: Á-rul-nak hí-vó-kár-tyát? Now
Let's hear it one more time: Árulnak hívókártyát?
The first word, árulnak means, "do you sell."
Let's break down this word and see it one more time: á-rul-nak, árulnak.
This word is third person plural, you use this, because the third person form makes it polite and the plural means you are asking "them," the shop.
Next, we have: the Hungarian noun for "calling cards," hívókártya, but in the accusative, hívókártyát.
Let's break it down by syllable and hear it one more time: Hí-vó-kár-tyát.
All together, we have: Árulnak hívókártyát?
Literally, this means, "do you sell calling cards?"
The answer to this will be "yes" (igen) or "no" (nem). In the case that they have the cards, you'll want to ask for one of the denominations we talked about.
Let's start with a 2000 forint card.
In Hungarian, "A 2000 forint calling card, please" is Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Let's break it down by syllable: Egy két-ez-er fo-rin-tos hí-vó-kár-tyát ké-rek.
Now let's hear it once again: Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
The first word, egy means, "a," the indefinite article.
Then you have: kétezer ("2000"). két-e-zer, kétezer. After this, you have forintos, which translates as "forint." forintos.
Next, we have: hívókártyát, again, "calling card."
Let's hear it once again: hívókártyát.
Finally, you have kérek, which means "please."
Let's see the entire phrase now.
Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Literally, this means, "A two-thousand forint calling card please.
For a five thousand card, you just have to change the value this way: Egy ötezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
If you are looking for a payphone, you will have to ask Van a közelben telefonfülke?
This means, "Is there a payphone near here?"
The first word, van means, "there is."
Let's hear it one more time: van.
Then, something you have already learned in Survival Phrases lesson 30, a közelben, which translates as "near here" in English.
a közelben, a közelben.
Then we have: the word for "phone booth," which is telefonfülke.
All together, we have: Van a közelben telefonfülke?
In English, this means, "Is there a phone booth near here?"


Okay, to close out today's lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for shouting it aloud. You'll have a few seconds before I give you the answer; so, sok szerencsét, which means "good luck" in Hungarian.
"Do you have telephone cards?" - Árulnak hívókártyát?
Árulnak hívókártyát?
Árulnak hívókártyát?
"A 2000 forint calling card, please." - Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Egy kétezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
"A five thousand forint calling card, please." - Egy ötezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Egy ötezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
Egy ötezer forintos hívókártyát kérek.
"Is there a payphone near here?" - Van a közelben telefonfülke?
Van a közelben telefonfülke?
Van a közelben telefonfülke?
All right. That’s is going to do it for today. Remember to stop by HungarianPod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Sziasztok!

