
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner Hungarian, season 1, lesson 18 - Drinking That Much Hungarian Wine Was a Bad Choice! I am Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő. Sziasztok!
Simone:In this lesson you'll learn a couple of verbs with the fel- prefix.
Gergő:This conversation takes place on the phone.
Simone:It’s between Kristóf and Jenny.
Gergő:The speakers are friends, so they use informal language.
Simone:Let's listen to the conversation.
Simone:What is a good cure for a hangover in Hungary, Gergő?
Gergő:People consider korhelyleves the best.
Simone:What is that?
Gergő:It’s a type of cabbage soup that’s a little bit sour. You'll also find sausages and bacon in it--
Simone:Much like in anything else in Hungary...
Gergő:...Yes, and some sour cream. It is tasty and has a wonderful effect on your hangover. Well, as much as it is possible.
Simone:Sleeping and time are the best cure, in my opinion.
Gergő:Yes. I have done some research on the topic myself, and I still think that nothing besides promising not to drink again works.
Simone:True, true. Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Gergő:The first one in this lesson is the expression Ha nem tudnád...
Simone:This means “if you are not aware of the fact...” or “if you don't know...” It is often used to reprimand the other person and draw their attention to things that the speaker feels the other person should take into consideration, should know about. Let's see an example.
Gergő:Alszol? Tizenegy van, ha nem tudnád.
Simone:“Are you sleeping? It is eleven o'clock, I'll have you know.”
Gergő:Alszol? Tizenegy van, ha nem tudnád.
Simone:You hear this a lot, right?
Gergő:No, I always get up early..
Simone:Yeah, right. Let's move on.
Gergő:Siet means “hurry”, a verb in Hungarian.
Simone:Can you use it in a sentence?
Gergő:Sure. Sietek a céghez.
Simone:The literal translation is “I'm hurrying to the company.” Repeat it please.
Gergő:Sietek a céghez.
Simone:And the imperative, “hurry up!” is?
Simone:Put some heart in it, Gergő!
Gergő:Siess, siess siesssiess!
Simone:There you go. What’s the next item?
Gergő:Befelé means “inward”, and it often points out the direction of the action described by the verb.
Simone:What would be a good example here?
Gergő:Megyek befelé.
Simone:“I'm on my way in.” This means you're on your way to your workplace.
Gergő:I'll say it again: Megyek befelé.
Simone:This sentence can mean “to your workplace” where we use “in” much like in English, but it can also mean the actual direction that you say to someone who’s holding the door for you.
Gergő:For example, Ne várj rám, befelé megyek, nem kifelé.
Simone:“Don't wait for me, I'm going in, not out.” What was the opposite word?
Gergő:The opposite is kifelé. Here is another example: Kifelé nézek.
Simone:“I'm looking outside.”
Gergő:Kifelé nézek.
Simone:Okay, now onto the grammar..
Simone:In this lesson, you’ll learn a couple of verbs with the fel- prefix. I think we have already emphasized enough how important prefixes are in Hungarian. Nearly every sentence has one.
Gergő:And we start the discussion by repeating the sentence I have to tell Simone every day at work - Ne húzz fel...
Simone:"Don't make me angry..." Funny, I wanted to present this sentence the same way!
Gergő:(laughs) I'll say it again. Ne húzz fel... This prefix-verb combination means “to pull up, to wind up,” which is the literal meaning. Húzni is “to pull.”
Simone:Can you say a sentence with it?
Gergő:Felhúztad az órát?
Simone:“Have you wound the (alarm) clock?”
Gergő:Felhúztad az órát?
Simone:Even in this age of cell phones, this sentence works in Hungarian as in “have you set the alarm?” Gergő, what does this have to do with making someone angry?
Gergő:Well the meaning here is more like “anger somebody,” “get on somebody's nerves.” Here’s an example -Tamás megint felhúzott.
Simone:“Thomas got me angry again.”
Gergő:Tamás megint felhúzott. As usual, in imperative and negative, the prefixes detach.
Simone:Another example from the dialogue contained the verb felképel.
Gergő:Yes, felképel. This prefix-verb combination means “to slap somebody on the face.” A good example would be: Mindjárt felképellek!
Simone:“I'm gonna slap you now!” It is a threat: “if you keep up this behavior, there will be trouble.”
Gergő:It’s a mild, good-natured warning. Actually without the fel- prefix, the verb is meaningless. Képel might have meant “slap” at some point in Hungarian, but today it is not used without fel-.
Simone:These are good, prefixed verbs. One more?
Gergő:The last one is easy. Felkel. This verb means “get up.”
Simone:And the example would be?
Gergő:Mindjárt felkelek.
Simone:“I'll get up in a minute.”
Gergő:Mindjárt felkelek. Now this, I say almost every day before throwing the alarm clock out the window.
Simone:I thought you always got up early?
Gergő:Oh. Yeah. Right, I was just kidding with the clock.
Simone:All right now, let's give the listeners a break and come back next time, with more content. As always, remember you can check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.


Gergő:Thanks for listening, everyone, sziasztok!

