
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 2 - A Loving Hungarian Workplace. I’m Simone.
Gergo:And I am Gergő. Sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to express love in Hungarian.
Gergo:The conversation is at Jenny's office.
Simone:It’s between Jenny and Mr. Gál.
Gergo:They are using formal language.
Simone:Let's listen to the conversation.
Simone:Well, this podcast is getting more exciting every season!
Gergo:See? There’s your motivation to keep learning!
Simone:Office romances? Hardly.
Gergo:Office relationships are not a good idea in Hungary either, and people generally keep things a secret. On the other hand, there is no paperwork to be filed, and they are not considered bad either.
Simone:What Gergő means is that there are no legal repercussions to deal with.
Gergo:Right. On the other hand, everybody likes some juicy piece of gossip and that's not different in Hungary either.
Simone:So expect a lack of involvement but a lot of whispering behind the back.
Simone:Okay, now onto the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What’s the first word?
Gergo:It’s Kirúgni.
Simone:It means “to kick out,” at least literally. A better translation is “to fire.” It is also a very insensitive way of saying “to break up with someone.”
Gergo:Right. An example of the first meaning is Tegnap kirúgtak.
Simone:“I was fired yesterday.”
Gergo:Tegnap kirúgtak. And I'll give you an example for the latter too, A barátnőm kirúgott.
Simone:“My girlfriend dumped me.” It really rolls off your tongue, doesn't it?
Gergo:Ha-ha. I'll say it again A barátnőm kirúgott.
Simone:All right, let's move on.
Gergo:The situation is much better if you say felmondok.
Simone:“I quit.” Put it in a sentence please.
Gergo:Jövő héten felmondok.
Simone:“I am going to quit next week.”
Gergo:Jövő héten felmondok. Both of these words have a preposition attached.
Simone:Those, as you should remember from before, detach sometimes. Remind us when please?
Gergo:In the imperative, Mondj fel!
Gergo:Or in negative, Nem rúgtak ki.
Simone:“I wasn't fired.” All right, what else is there for new vocab?
Gergo:Ugyan már means “Come on!” as in “Don't be silly, don't be oversensitive.”
Simone:What’s an example?
Gergo:Ugyan már! Nem lesz baj.
Simone:“Come on! It's going to be fine.”
Gergo:Ugyan már! Nem lesz baj. The literal translation of the second expression is “there will not be trouble.”
Simone:Alright, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to express love in Hungarian.
Gergo:We'll start by teaching you the verb szeretni, or “to love.”
Simone:This verb, when used with an object, can also be translated as “to like.” Let's hear an example.
Gergo:Szeretem a focit.
Simone:“I like soccer.”
Gergo:Szeretem a focit. If the object is a person though, you are saying “love,” a deeper emotion. This however is not yet romantic, or at least not necessarily.
Simone:How do you say this, “I love Kate.”
Gergo:Szeretem Katát.
Simone:But the dialogue was a bit different.
Gergo:Yes, in the dialogue we hear this, “Szeretem magát!”
Simone:“I love you” - formal. It is kind of funny that you can say this in a formal way.
Gergo:I'll repeat again, “Szeretem magát!” Magát is “you” in accusative. You are right Simone, this is a bit comical, since by the time people are close enough to say such things, they don't use the formal conjugation anymore.
Simone:But if you ever watch old movies in Hungarian, you can catch these sentences. Way back when people were really formal even in the nth year of their marriage.
Gergo:Now, in Hungarian there is a special thing called “I-you conjugation,” which means that the verb gets a special ending when the subject is “I” and the object is “you.”
Simone:Attach this conjugation and we're in very serious territory.
Simone:“I love you.”
Simone:This phrase is a romantic admission of love, most of the time. While it is possible to say this to family members and friends, Hungarians rarely do. So make a note of that, listeners. There is also an adjective that carries the same meaning, if I'm right.
Gergo:That’s right, Szerelmes vagyok.
Simone:“I'm in love.”
Gergo:Szerelmes vagyok. Szerelmes is “in love.” If you want to add who you are in love with, you say, Szerelmes vagyok beléd.
Simone:“I'm in love with you.”
Gergo:Szerelmes vagyok beléd. Beléd means “into you.”
Simone:Hungarians are “in love into someone.” As the translation suggests, this implies romantic involvement. So how do I say “I like” somebody?
Gergo:You say kedvel. Like in the example, Kedvelem Bélát.
Simone:“I like Béla.”
Gergo:Kedvelem Bélát. You might want to note that you hear about “loving others” less often in Hungarian than in English.
Simone:I've noticed that. Hungarians also don't finish their phone calls by saying “love you”-”love you.” There is less love thrown around.


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.
Gergo:See you next time everyone. Sziasztok!

