
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 8 - How to Get a Free Lunch in Hungary. I’m Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő, sziasztok!
Simone:In this lesson we're going to take a look at conditionals.
Gergő:The dialogue takes place at Jenny's steakhouse.
Simone:It is between Jenny and Kristóf.
Gergő:They use formal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:So what is a “student...leader”?
Gergő:You're right, that's what diákigazgató translates to. Nothing serious, really. It’s just a title that one student earns for themselves every year. No rights go with it whatsoever. Students only start being community creatures at university.
Simone:Those are the guys that do a lot for their fellow students.
Gergő:Right. At every university, there is a HÖK group. These are the ones who represent the students at important meetings with the teacher, protect students' rights, and so on.
Simone:And they later all turn out to be politicians and other important personalities who have a lot of power.
Gergő:Well, once you get a taste of power, it is hard to let go. They can organize demonstrations, and various other events
Simone:So they are definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Gergő:All right, now onto the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. First up in this lesson is “to annoy.”
Gergő:Or idegesít in Hungarian.
Simone:Please use it in a sentence.
Gergő:Ez a hangerő idegesít.
Simone:“This volume annoys me.”
Gergő:Ez a hangerő idegesít. It is actually an adjective, ideges, suffixed with -ít.
Simone:What is the meaning of the root word, ideges?
Gergő:“Annoyed” or “angry.” ideges – idegesít
Simone:Or in English, “annoyed” – “annoying”
Gergő:Idegesít a munkám. 2X
Simone:“My work annoys me.” Surely you must be kidding?
Gergő:Just an example, just an example. The next word is etet. It means “feed.”
Simone:Put it in a sentence, please.
Gergő:Megetetem a halakat.
Simone:I'll feed the fish.
Gergő:Megetetem a halakat. Just like in the earlier sentence, it is often prefixed with meg-.
Simone:Let's move on now.
Gergő:Tartja a szavát – this expression is the literal translation of the English phrase “keep one's word.”
Simone:All right, let's translate this sentence now. Here’s an example “Thomas never keeps his word.”
Gergő:Tamás sosem tartja a szavát.
Simone:“Thomas never keeps his word.”
Gergő:Tartani means “to hold, to keep.” I can use the same verb to say something like Halakat tartok.
Simone:“I keep fish.”
Gergő:And finally, hetente means “on a weekly basis.” Hetente kétszer úszom.
Simone:“I swim twice a week.”
Gergő:Here is a very similar sounding one. Havonta
Simone:Or “on a monthly basis.” Please wrap up the vocab section with one example of this.
Gergő:Havonta egyszer meglátogatom.
Simone:“I visit her once a month.”
Gergő:Havonta egyszer meglátogatom.
Simone:All right, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn about conditional sentences. Present tense conditionals can be expressed without any sort of special conjugation, just like in our examples.
Gergő:In the dialogue we heard this, Adok két ebédet hetente, ha jól hirdetsz.
Simone:“I'll give you two lunches a week, if you advertise well.”
Gergő:Adok két ebédet hetente, ha jól hirdetsz. If you take a look at the verbs, you'll see that both of them are in “normal,” which means “not conditional,” present tense conjugation. Adok.
Simone:“I give”
Gergő:And hirdetsz
Simone:“you advertise.”
Gergő:The condition is in the clause that starts with ha, or “if.” The other example was similarly straightforward in the dialogue. Mindenkit ide küldök, ha ingyen etetsz.
Simone:“I'll send everyone here if you feed me for free.”
Gergő:Mindenkit ide küldök, ha ingyen etetsz. Past tense, as you may remember, is a bit more complicated. In past tense, you have to use the auxiliary volna, or “would have.”
Simone:Can you give us an example please?.
Gergő:Mentem volna, ha szóltatok volna.
Simone:“I'd have gone if you had notified me.”
Gergő:Mentem volna, ha szóltatok volna.
Simone:Both the condition and the result are in past tense in Hungarian, and volna is in both clauses. The result in this case did not happen. Let's hear this sentence now - “If it had been open, I would have gone in.”
Gergő:Ha nyitva lett volna, bementem volna. 2X
Simone:All right, we now know that in past tense, you have to use volna. What else is there?
Gergő:In negative form, volna follows the conjugated verb, and if there is a prefix attached to that, then it moves to behind volna. Ha zárva lett volna, nem mentem volna be.
Simone:“If it had been closed, I wouldn't have gone in.”
Gergő:Ha zárva lett volna, nem mentem volna be. Be is the prefix you have to pay attention to in this previous sentence.
Simone:All right, anything else for this lesson?
Gergő:One last bit of grammar, is that Hungarians often leave one of the verbs in the present tense, even in past tense sentences. Ha zárva lett volna, nem megyek be.
Simone:Which literally translates to, “If it had been closed, I don’t go in.” Did he or did he not go in after all?
Gergő:He did. It is the same meaning as before. “If it had been closed, I wouldn't have gone in.”
Simone:Listeners, remember that you can check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Gergő:See you next time everyone. Sziasztok!
Simone:Thanks everyone, bye!

