Lesson Transcript

Access your free language gifts right now before they expire!
Here's what you're getting this month:
First — The “Writing a Journal” Cheat Sheet
With this cheat sheet, you’ll be able to keep a diary in your target language, and talk about your day. Inside, you learn phrases for common daily activities - from morning to night.
Second — The “Language Learning Starter Pack” PDF eBook
If you’re new to the language, do you know what words to learn first? With this eBook, you get over 70 basic words and phrases that beginners need to know. Start with these words first.
Download it right now!
Third — How to talk about holiday gifts.
What gift do you want the most this holiday season? With this quick vocab lesson, you’ll learn common gift vocabulary like laptop, camera, money, and more.
Fourth — Do you know how to say November or December in your target language?
If not, then this 1-minute lesson will teach you all the months of the year.
Fifth — Interested in learning another language?
With this Bonus, you’ll get free access to our other language programs, from Afrikaans to Vietnamese. Check out all 34 languages inside.
Sixth - Our Big Collection of Language Learning Audiobooks
Want free access to our huge library of beginner-level audiobooks? Then click the link below. Save the audiobooks to your device, and listen and learn. They’re yours to keep forever.
And Finally – The Deal of the Month
If you want to finally master the language with lessons by real teachers and our COMPLETE language learning program, get 51% off all basic, premium, and premium PLUS plans with our special Black Friday Deal.
To get your gifts and language learning resources...
click the link in the description below.
Download them right now before they expire!

