
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Must-Know Hungarian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 11 - Changing Your Relationship Status.
John: Hi, everyone. I'm John.
Lena: And I'm Lena.
John: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Hungarian about being in a relationship. Dávid changes his status to "In a relationship," posts an image of it, and leaves this comment.
Lena: Annával minden perc csodás.
John: Meaning - "Every minute is wonderful with Anna." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Dávid: Annával minden perc csodás.
(clicking sound)
Géza: Irigykedem.
Nóra: Megtaláltátok egymást mint zsák a foltját.
Róbert: Szép pár vagytok.
Anikó: Örülök, hogy boldogok vagytok!
John: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Dávid: Annával minden perc csodás.
John: "Every minute is wonderful with Anna."
(clicking sound)
Géza: Irigykedem.
John: "I'm envious."
Nóra: Megtaláltátok egymást mint zsák a foltját.
John: "You've found each other like a bag found its patch. (It's a Hungarian saying.)"
Róbert: Szép pár vagytok.
John: "You're a nice couple."
Anikó: Örülök, hogy boldogok vagytok!
John: "I'm glad that you're happy!"
John: Listen again to Dávid's post.
Lena: Annával minden perc csodás.
John: "Every minute is wonderful with Anna."
Lena: (SLOW) Annával minden perc csodás. (Regular) Annával minden perc csodás.
John: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "with Anna."
Lena: Annával
John: Here "with" is expressed with a suffix, that's why there's no separate word for it like in English. Anna is a common name in Hungary, as well. Listen again - "with Anna" is...
Lena: (SLOW) Annával (REGULAR) Annával
John: Then comes the phrase "every minute is wonderful."
Lena: minden perc csodás.
John: This phrase is a little bit over the top. Use it when you want to sound poetic, romantic, or very pathetic. Listen again - "Every minute is wonderful" is...
Lena: (SLOW) minden perc csodás. (REGULAR) minden perc csodás.
John: All together, it's "Every minute is wonderful with Anna."
Lena: Annával minden perc csodás.
John: In response, Dávid's friends leave some comments.
John: His college friend, Géza, uses an expression meaning - "I'm envious."
Lena: (SLOW) Irigykedem. (REGULAR) Irigykedem.
Lena: Irigykedem.
John: Use this expression to say you’re jealous of their happiness.
John: His girlfriend's high school friend, Nóra, uses an expression meaning - "You've found each other like a bag found it's patch. (It's a Hungarian saying.)"
Lena: (SLOW) Megtaláltátok egymást mint zsák a foltját. (REGULAR) Megtaláltátok egymást mint zsák a foltját.
Lena: Megtaláltátok egymást mint zsák a foltját.
John: Use this expression to be funny.
John: His supervisor, Róbert, uses an expression meaning - "You're a nice couple."
Lena: (SLOW) Szép pár vagytok. (REGULAR) Szép pár vagytok.
Lena: Szép pár vagytok.
John: Use this expression to leave a short, positive comment.
John: His high school friend, Anikó, uses an expression meaning - "I'm glad that you're happy!"
Lena: (SLOW) Örülök, hogy boldogok vagytok! (REGULAR) Örülök, hogy boldogok vagytok!
Lena: Örülök, hogy boldogok vagytok!
John: Use this expression to say you’re happy for them.


John: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being in a relationship, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Lena: Viszlát!

