
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Must-Know Hungarian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 13 - A Pregnancy Announcement.
John: Hi, everyone. I'm John.
Lena: And I'm Lena.
John: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Hungarian about having a baby. Dávid finds out he and his wife are going to have a baby, posts an image, and leaves this comment.
Lena: Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
John: Meaning - "Our baby will be born soon." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Dávid: Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
(clicking sound)
Ági: Nagyon várom, hogy láthassam a babát!
István: Remélem nem rád fog hasonlítani.
Nóra: Lehetek a keresztanya?
Anikó: Gratulálok! Milyen csodás hír!
John: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Dávid: Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
John: "Our baby will be born soon."
(clicking sound)
Ági: Nagyon várom, hogy láthassam a babát!
John: "I'm really looking forward to seeing the baby!"
István: Remélem nem rád fog hasonlítani.
John: "I hope it won't resemble you."
Nóra: Lehetek a keresztanya?
John: "Can I be the godmother?"
Anikó: Gratulálok! Milyen csodás hír!
John: "Congratulations! What wonderful news!"
John: Listen again to Dávid's post.
Lena: Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
John: "Our baby will be born soon."
Lena: (SLOW) Hamarosan kisbabánk születik. (Regular) Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
John: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "soon."
Lena: Hamarosan
John: You can hear this word often in daily life in Hungary, for example in train station announcements or on television when a show is about to start. Listen again - "soon" is...
Lena: (SLOW) Hamarosan (REGULAR) Hamarosan
John: Then comes the phrase "our baby will be born."
Lena: kisbabánk születik.
John: The first word literally means "our little baby." It's a common and cute/kind way to talk about babies. "Our" is expressed by the suffix at the end of it. Listen again - "Our baby will be born" is...
Lena: (SLOW) kisbabánk születik. (REGULAR) kisbabánk születik.
John: All together, it's "Our baby will be born soon."
Lena: Hamarosan kisbabánk születik.
John: In response, Dávid's friends leave some comments.
John: His neighbor, Ági, uses an expression meaning - "I'm really looking forward to seeing the baby!"
Lena: (SLOW) Nagyon várom, hogy láthassam a babát! (REGULAR) Nagyon várom, hogy láthassam a babát!
Lena: Nagyon várom, hogy láthassam a babát!
John: Use this expression to say you’re excited about their baby.
John: His nephew, István, uses an expression meaning - "I hope it won't resemble you."
Lena: (SLOW) Remélem nem rád fog hasonlítani. (REGULAR) Remélem nem rád fog hasonlítani.
Lena: Remélem nem rád fog hasonlítani.
John: Use this expression to tease your friend.
John: His wife's high school friend, Nóra, uses an expression meaning - "Can I be the godmother?"
Lena: (SLOW) Lehetek a keresztanya? (REGULAR) Lehetek a keresztanya?
Lena: Lehetek a keresztanya?
John: Use this expression to be funny.
John: His high school friend, Anikó, uses an expression meaning - "Congratulations! What wonderful news!"
Lena: (SLOW) Gratulálok! Milyen csodás hír! (REGULAR) Gratulálok! Milyen csodás hír!
Lena: Gratulálok! Milyen csodás hír!
John: Use this expression to say it’s really good news.


John: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about having a baby, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Lena: Viszlát!

