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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 11 - Take That Hungarian Conversation in the Right Direction! Eric Here.
Lena: Hello. I'm Lena.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to change a conversation topic in Hungarian. The conversation takes place on the radio.
Lena: It's between a radio DJ and a singer.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they will use informal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Rádió: Legelőször tavaly jöttetek Magyarországra fellépni, a Balaton Sound fesztiválon. Mire emlékszel vissza az itteni fellépésről?
Énekes: Az eszméletlen hőségre! A színpadon legalább 45 fok volt, mindennél jobban vágytam egy jó pancsolásra!
Rádió: A legutóbbi albumotok elképesztő sikert aratott a Szigeten, véleményed szerint ez minek köszönhető?
Énekes: Nagyon szeretünk a Szigetre jönni, és szerintem ez az előadásunkon is látszik!
Rádió: Mi volt a legkínosabb pillanatotok a koncerten?
Énekes: Hahaha, több is volt! Egyszer leestem a színpadról...olyan is volt, hogy lemerült a mikrofon...
Rádió: Visszatérve a Balatonra, volt időd fürdésre?
Énekes: Az éjszakai fürdőzést semmiért nem hagynám ki!
Rádió: Azt hallottam, szingli vagy. Mi a véleményed a magyar pasikról?
Énekes: Hahaha, te elég helyes vagy!
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
RadioDJ: Last year was the first time you came to Hungary for the Balaton Sound Festival. What do you remember from your concert here?
Singer: It was incredibly hot! On the stage it felt like 45 degrees, I wanted to jump in the lake more than anything!
RadioDJ: Your last album had an amazing success at the Sziget festival. In your opinion, what can explain this?
Singer: We really love to come to Sziget and I think this can be felt by our performance!
RadioDJ: What was the most embarrassing moment during the concert?
Singer: (Laughing) There were many! Once I fell off the stage... And there was also the time with the discharged microphone...
RadioDJ: Returning to Lake Balaton, did you have time to bathe?
Singer: I would never miss bathing at night!
RadioDJ: I heard that you're single. What do you think about Hungarian guys?
Singer: (Laughing) You're quite handsome!
Eric: Lena, I guess like in every other country, gossip about other people’s lives, and funny or embarrassing stories are very common.
Lena: True. If you hear someone start to say...Te is hallotad? meaning ”Have you heard...?”, Azt hallottam, hogy…, which means “I heard that…” or Azt csiripelik a madarak… - “The birds are singing that…”, probably, they will be followed by some kind of gossip.
Eric: I think it’s better to avoid gossipping with someone you don't know well.
Lena: I agree. You might seem unreliable or you can accidently hurt your conversation partner's feelings and be qualified as pletykás vén öregasszony or an “old woman with her gossip”.
Eric: So be careful, listeners! Now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Lena: fellépés [natural native speed]
Eric: appearance, concert
Lena: fellépés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: fellépés [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: színpad [natural native speed]
Eric: stage
Lena: színpad [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: színpad [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: siker [natural native speed]
Eric: success
Lena: siker [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: siker [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: előadás [natural native speed]
Eric: performance
Lena: előadás [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: előadás [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: kínos [natural native speed]
Eric: embarrassing
Lena: kínos [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: kínos [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: visszatér [natural native speed]
Eric: to return, to go back
Lena: visszatér [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: visszatér [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: kihagy [natural native speed]
Eric: to miss, to skip
Lena: kihagy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: kihagy [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: szingli [natural native speed]
Eric: single
Lena: szingli [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: szingli [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: fürdőzés [natural native speed]
Eric: bathing
Lena: fürdőzés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: fürdőzés [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Lena: vágyik [natural native speed]
Eric: to desire, to want
Lena: vágyik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: vágyik [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Lena: Sikert arat
Eric: Which means “to have success”
Lena: Sikert arat is made up of two words: the noun siker, which means “success” and the verb arat, which is “to harvest” in English. Sikert arat.
Eric: So, it literally means “to reap success”.
Lena: Right. For example, you can say...Lenyűgöző sikert aratott a könyv.
Eric: “The book had amazing success.”
Lena: The verb arat, which means “to harvest” is widely used in the agricultural sense, but is often used as an image for achieving something. You can use the verb arat with many other words, such as..babérokat arat
Eric: “To gather laurels”
Lena: Győzelmet arat
Eric: “To gain a victory”
Lena: Tetszést arat
Eric: “To make a hit”. Okay, what's the next phrase?
Lena: Mindennél jobban vágyik
Eric: Which means “to want more than anything”
Lena: Mindennél jobban vágyik is made up of 3 words: mindennél
Eric: Which means “than anything”,
Lena: Jobban
Eric: Which means “more or better” in English
Lena: And the verb vágyik
Eric: “To want”
Lena: The verb vágyik is usually followed by a noun with a -ra,-re suffix. For example...Mindennél jobban vágyik egy új autóra.
Eric: “To want a new car more than anything.” Lena, can we use verbs other than “to want”?
Lena: Yes, you can also say...mindennél jobban szeret
Eric: “To like more than anything”
Lena: Mindennél jobban utál
Eric: “To hate more than anything”
Lena: And with other verbs. For example…Mindennél jobban utálom a spenótot.
Eric: “I hate spinach more than anything.” Okay, what's the last phrase?
Lena: Semmiért ki nem hagyná
Eric: “Would never miss”
Lena: Semmiért means “for nothing” and ki nem hagyná is the negative conditional form of kihagy which means “to miss”. Semmiért ki nem hagyná
Eric: Literally, this means “I would not miss it for anything.” Lena, can you give us an example using this phrase?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. Semmiért ki nem hagynám a koncertet.
Eric: .. which means “I would never miss this concert.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to change a conversation topic in Hungarian. Many times in a conversation you can find yourself in a situation where you want to elaborate on an idea, but the conversation suddenly turns to another topic. On the other hand, in some cases you have to discuss a topic you are not familiar or comfortable with.
Lena: In this case, it’s useful to have discussion tactics to easily change the topic! The focus of this lesson is to provide you with useful expressions to change a topic or go back to a particular subject.
Eric: First, let’s see some examples for going back to a certain topic. The first expression is…
Lena: Visszatérve ….which means “returning to…”
Eric: Can we have sample sentences, please?
Lena: Visszatérve a politikára, nem értek egyet az új törvénnyel.
Eric: “Returning to politics, I don’t agree with the new law.”
Lena: Visszatérve az előző témára, nem ez volt az egyetlen ok.
Eric: “Returning to the previous topic, this was not the only reason.” The next one is…
Lena: Egy gondolat erejéig térjünk vissza a...
Eric: Which means “For a moment, let’s get back to…”
Lena: For example..Egy gondolat erejéig térjünk vissza a kérdésre!
Eric: “For a moment, let’s get back to the question!”
Lena: Or you can say..Egy gondolat erejéig térjünk vissza a gazdaságra!
Eric: “For a moment, let’s get back to the economy!” Ok, what the next one?
Lena: Az imént elhangzottakkal kapcsolatban...
Eric: Which in English means “Concerning what has just been said,...” For example...
Lena: Az imént elhangzottakkal kapcsolatban, azt hallottam csődbe mentek!
Eric: “Concerning what has just been said, I heard that they went bankrupt.”
Lena: Another example is...Az imént elhangzottakkal kapcsolatban, biztos vagyok benne, hogy sikerül megoldást találni.
Eric: “Concerning what has just been said, I’m sure we will find a solution.” Lena, now, let’s introduce some expressions that will be useful for changing to another topic.
Lena: Sure. The first expression is...Apropó!
Eric: Which means “By the way!” Can you give us sample sentences, please?
Lena: Sure. Apropó! Mit csinálsz vasárnap?
Eric: This means “By the way! What are you doing on Sunday?”
Lena: Apropó! Hogy is kell ragozni ezt az igét?
Eric: “By the way! How do you conjugate this verb?”. Ok, what’s the next one?
Lena: Majd elfelejtettem...
Eric: Which means “I almost forgot” in English.
Lena: Right. For example..Majd elfelejtettem, jövő héten karácsonyi buli lesz nálunk!
Eric: “I almost forgot! Next week, we’ll have a Christmas party at home!”
Lena: Majd elfelejtettem, holnap lesz a bátyám születésnapja.
Eric: “I almost forgot! Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday!”
Lena: The next very useful phrase is.. Ha már itt járunk..which means “Since we are talking about…”
Eric: Can you give us some sample sentences please?
Lena: Ha már itt járunk, találtál már munkát?
Eric: This means “Since we were talking about work, did you get a job?”
Lena: Ha már itt járunk, hogy van a család?
Eric: “Since we were talking about this, how’s your family?”. Listeners, we have more useful expressions in the lesson notes, so please be sure to check them out.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Lena: Viszontlátásra

