
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 21 - Asking for Detailed Directions in Hungarian. Eric here.
Lena: Hello. I'm Lena.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn some useful vocabulary for traveling. The conversation takes place at a metro station.
Lena: It's between Tom and a stranger.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they will use formal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: Elnézést, meg tudná mondani, hogy melyik vágányról indul a siófoki vonat?
Járókelő: Hú, jó kérdés! Azt hiszem az a Keletiből indul, nem innen!
Tom: A Keletiből?? És meg tudná mondani, hogy jutok oda a leggyorsabban?
Járókelő: Kisétál a pályaudvarról, lemegy az aluljáróba és felszáll a hármas metróra. Egyszerű, mint az egyszeregy!
Tom: Melyik irányba?
Járókelő: Kőbánya Kispest felé. A Deák Ferenc téren leszáll és átszáll a kettes metróra.
Tom: Sokat kell sétálni? Rengeteg a csomagom.
Járókelő: Nem, csak az aluljárón át.A kettes metró megáll a Keleti pályaudvarnál.
Tom: És onnan egyszerűen megtalálható a vágány?
Járókelő: Arra kell menni, amerre a tábla mutatja. Vagy megkérdezheti a peronőrt.
Tom: Innen körül-belül mennyi idő, míg odaérek?
Járókelő: Maximum húsz perc.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Tom: Excuse me, could you tell me which platform is the train for Siofok?
Passerby: Wow, good question! I think it's leaving from Keleti station, not from here!
Tom: From Keleti?? And could you tell me which is the fastest way to get there?
Passerby: You walk out of the railway station, go down the underpass, and get on the Metro Line 3. It's as simple as that!
Tom: Which direction?
Passerby: In the direction of Kobanya Kispest. You get off at Deak Ferenc square station and transfer to Metro Line 2.
Tom: Do I have to walk a lot? I've got plenty of luggage.
Passerby: No, you only have to walk through the underpass. Line 2 stops at Keleti railway station.
Tom: And can the platform be easily found once arrived at Keleti?
Passerby: You have to follow the direction indicated by the signs. Or you can ask the railway employee.
Tom: Approximately how much time does it take to get there?
Passerby: Up to twenty minutes.
Eric: Lena, is there any kind of barrier or control system on public transport?
Lena: You might be surprised, but there is no real barrier system on public transport. For example, you can get on the train or bus at every door and there is no real ticket gate in the entrances of metro stations.
Eric: So, one can easily ride without any ticket?
Lena: Well, that’s a bit tricky. Nowadays there are more and more controllers, often without uniform, in buses or at the station entrance and exit to ask for your ticket. Therefore, you have to keep your ticket until the exit. If you don't have a ticket, they will ask for your papers and you will get a fine.
Eric: I see… So it's better to have a ticket not to get yourself into trouble.
Lena: Right. As personal advice, always buy a ticket from a vending machine, or from a ticket office, because if you want to buy from the bus driver, they often raise the price, or they might even sell you the wrong tickets.
Eric: That’s very useful advice! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Lena: vágány [natural native speed]
Eric: platform
Lena: vágány [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: vágány [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: odajut [natural native speed]
Eric: to get there
Lena: odajut [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: odajut [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: aluljáró [natural native speed]
Eric: underpass
Lena: aluljáró [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: aluljáró [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: átszáll [natural native speed]
Eric: to transfer
Lena: átszáll [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: átszáll [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: csomag [natural native speed]
Eric: luggage, package
Lena: csomag [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: csomag [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: körül-belül [natural native speed]
Eric: approximately
Lena: körül-belül [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: körül-belül [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: odaér [natural native speed]
Eric: to arrive somewhere
Lena: odaér [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: odaér [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: egyszerű [natural native speed]
Eric: simple
Lena: egyszerű [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: egyszerű [natural native speed]
Eric: And lastly..
Lena: peronőr [natural native speed]
Eric: railway employee
Lena: peronőr [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: peronőr [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Lena: vágányról indul
Eric: which means “to depart from the platform”
Lena: Vágány is the platform you find in a train station.
Eric: You can use it only in the context of trains, not buses.
Lena: Right. Indul without a suffix means “to leave, to depart”. Beindul is used when a machine or engine starts up.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. A vonat a harmadik vágányról indul.
Eric: ..which means “The train departs from platform 3.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Lena: lemegy az aluljáróba
Eric: Which means “to go down the underpass”
Lena: Aluljáró is used for the underpasses you often find in Budapest or bigger cities. The word is composed of alul, meaning “down”, and járó, which means “going,” or “walking”, once more, it’s Aluljáró
Eric: Is there another phrase with this meaning?
Lena: Yes, you can also use átmegy az aluljárón, which means “to go through the underpass”
Eric: Lena, can you give us an example using our phrase?
Lena: Sure. Az aluljárón hamarabb átérünk, mint a zebrán.
Eric: .. Which means “Through the underpass, it will be faster than the crossing.” Okay, what's the last phrase?
Lena: átszáll a kettes metróra
Eric: Which means “to transfer to metro line 2”
Lena: átszáll means “to transfer” and is composed of the prefix át-, meaning “through”, and the verb száll, which means “take” when talking about a transport.
Eric: Does this verb have another meaning?
Lena: Yes. Száll also means “to fly”. You can use it for a bird, a plane, and so on. You can use this verb in the following expressions...Fejébe száll a bor.
Eric: Which means “the wine goes to his head”.
Lena: inába száll a bátorsága
Eric: “to get cold feet”
Lena: Lastly, száll is also used for “staying in”. The word for “hotel”, or szálloda, comes from this expression.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. Kétszer kell átszállni az úton.
Eric: .. which means “There are two transfers during the journey.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In the previous lessons, you learned how to use the most important suffixes indicating directions. We will now complete your knowledge with verbs and adverbs that will be useful to find your way around Hungary. The focus of this lesson is to put your knowledge into practice and add some extra vocabulary so that on your journey, you can concentrate on tourism!
Lena: Let's start with a couple of useful adverbs for your journey.
Eric: We can divide all adverbs into 3 big groups – adverbs describing places, adverbs describing a way, and adverbs describing time. Let’s start with the first one - describing a place. In this group we have the following adverbs...
Lena: Közel - “close”, szemben - “in front of”, közelében - “near”, and távol or messze, which mean “far”.
Eric: Lena, can you give us some sample sentences?
Lena: Sure. A Nyugati közelében van a munkahelyem.
Eric: “My office is near Nyugati.”
Lena: Elég messze van a buszmegálló.
Eric: “The bus stop is quite far.”
Lena: A bolttal szemben lakok.
Eric: “I live in front of the shop.” Ok! Let’s move to the second group - adverbs describing a way. In this group, we have such adverbs as…
Lena: körülbelül - “approximately”, kényelmesen - “conveniently,” “comfortably”, sietve - “in a hurry”, gyorsan - “quickly” and lassan - “slowly”.
Eric: Of course, that's not the full list of adverbs describing travel. You can find more in the lesson notes. Lena, can you give us some sample sentences?
Lena: Körülbelül milyen messze van a Deák tér gyalog?
Eric: Which means “How far is Deák square by walk, approximately?”
Lena: Kényelmesen sétálva tíz perc alatt odaérsz.
Eric: “You can get there in ten minutes if you walk comfortably.” Great! Listeners, please check the information about adverbs describing time in the lesson notes. For now, let’s move on.
Lena: Our next grammar point for this lesson is synonyms for the verb “to go” or megy in Hungarian.
Eric: Ok, what’s the first one?
Lena: Jár, which means “to walk,” “to go,” or “to run”. For example...Minden nap iskolába járok.
Eric: Which means “I go to school every day.” The next synonym is...
Lena: Sétál or sétálgat
Eric: Which means “to walk about,” or “to have a walk”
Lena: Here is an example...Egész délután a Dunánál sétálgattak.
Eric: “They were having a walk all afternoon at the Danube.” The next word is..
Lena: Mászkál, which means “to ramble,” or “to hang”. For example...A plázában mászkálunk a barátnőmmel.
Eric: The English translation is...“We are hanging around in the department store with my friend.”
Lena: Another widely used synonym for the verb megy is gyalogol
Eric: Meaning “to go on foot,” “to walk”. Sample sentence, please!
Lena: Több mint fél órát gyalogoltam.
Eric: “I walked for more than half an hour.” And the last one is...
Lena: Bandukol
Eric: Which means “to walk slowly, to trudge”
Lena: An example would be...Hazafelé bandukolt, mikor felvettem.
Eric: “He was trudging along on his way back home when I picked him up.” Listeners, now you can master all the synonyms of the verb “to go” and enrich your speech dramatically! And, as always, please don't forget to check the lesson notes for more examples and explanations!


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Lena: Viszontlátásra!

