If you would like to learn about common Hungarian restaurant phrases, you are at the right place. We know that food is important, and chances are when you are visiting Hungary, you will not always cook your own meal at your place but also discover the culinary secrets of the country. As you should. So, with that in mind, we wrote this article so that you will know useful Hungarian restaurant phrases, such as how to ask for the bill in Hungarian. We will cover dining phrases in Hungarian for before, during, and after dining, so that you have the full picture of how to order food in Hungarian.

Excited yet? You should be because after reading this article, you will not have any problems in Hungarian restaurants, and you will hopefully leave with not only a full stomach but a full heart and a great experience too.
So, should we start learning about Hungarian restaurant phrases? If you are ready, let’s go!
Click for a conversation about ordering.
You may also want to go over the names of popular Hungarian foods, common beverages, and dining utensils!

- Before Dining
- During Dining
- After Dining
- How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Goals in Learning Hungarian
1. Before Dining

Dining in a restaurant does not just start there. You have to choose the place of course and then make a reservation, negotiating the date and number of people to be expected. In this section, we will cover the most essential restaurant phrases in Hungarian that you would use before actually arriving and eating in the restaurant of your choice. So, let’s see what they are.
Click for Hungary’s best restaurants of 2021.
“Before I reserve a table, I’d like to know if you offer vegan options.” – Mielőtt asztalt foglalok, szeretném tudni, hogy vegán opciójaik vannak-e.
“Of course. We have a separate menu full of vegan meals.” – Természetesen. Külön menü lapunk van tele vegán ételekkel.
“Great. In this case, when do you have free tables available?” – Nagyszerű! Ez esetben mikorra vannak szabad asztalaik?
“I’d like to reserve a table for two on Saturday, May 7th at 5pm, please?” – Szeretnék asztalt foglalni két főre, május 7., szombatra, délután öt órára.
“Of course. We have two tables available. Would you like to sit by the window or near the kitchen?” – Természetesen. Két szabad asztalunk van. Az ablak mellett vagy a konyha közelében szeretnének ülni?
“By the window is fine.” – Az ablak mellett megfelel.
“Alright, perfect. We’ll be waiting for you.” – Rendben, tökéletes! Várni fogjuk Önöket!
Listen to a conversation of reserving a table in Hungarian.
“A table for 4, please.” – Egy asztalt szeretnék 4 főre, kérem!
“Unfortunately, we only have tables for 2 people on that day.” – Sajnos csak két főre vannak asztalaink aznap.
“I understand. No problem. Maybe next time.” – Értem. Semmi probléma. Talán legközelebb.
Listen to possible solutions when discussing how many people the reservation is for.
“Do you have a free table on the terrace for tonight?” – Van szabad asztaluk a teraszon ma estére?
“Yes. We have one table left there. For 2 people.” – Igen. Egy asztalunk maradt ott. Két főre.
“Wonderful. That’s exactly what I need. Could we come at 7pm?” – Remek! Pont, amire szükségem van! Tudnánk hét órára érkezni?
“Of course. I can reserve the table until 9pm.” – Természetesen. Az asztalt kilenc óráig tudom lefoglalni.
“How long would we have to wait?” – Milyen hosszan kellene várakoznunk?
“Our Saturday nights are usually busy. It’s around 30 minutes until the food is served.” – A szombat estéink általában elég forgalmasak. Körülbelül 30 perc, míg kihozzák az ételt.
“Alright, that’s not too bad. I’d like to get a table for two.” – Rendben. Az annyira nem vészes. Két főre szeretnék asztalt.
“Is 8pm suitable?” – A nyolc óra megfelel?
“Perfect.” – Tökéletes!
“Is it possible that our table be in the non-smoking area?” – Lehetséges, hogy az asztalunk a nem dohányzó részlegen legyen?
“Absolutely.” – Abszolút.
“Wonderful, thank you.” – Csodálatos, köszönöm!
A conversation about whether you can smoke in a restaurant or not.

2. During Dining
Next up, useful Hungarian restaurant phrases for when already in the restaurant and dining. After you have made reservations, arranged the time and number of people, and got to the restaurant, it is time to sit down and order. In this phase of the eating out process, it is very important to have basic restaurant vocabulary and template sentences. However, it is just as important to study the menu in Hungarian and read everything carefully. Unfortunately, every menu is different, but we can definitely help you with useful Hungarian restaurant phrases you could use when in Hungary.
If you need some inspiration as to what to order, here are the top 50 most popular Hungarian dishes you must try when in the country.
“Could we get the menu please?” – Kérhetnénk a menüt, kérem?
“I’m sorry you haven’t got it. I will bring two in a few seconds.” – Elnézést kérek, hogy még nem kapták meg. Másodperceken belül visszatérek kettővel.
“Thank you, that’s very kind.” – Köszönjük, ez nagyon kedves.
“Here you go, madam. Let me know when you’ve decided on the drinks and I’ll take your order.” – Tessék, hölgyem. Szóljanak, ha már döntöttek az italokról és felveszem a rendelésüket.
“Actually, we already know. I’d like to get a mojito and to my friend, a cosmopolitan, please.” – Igazából már tudjuk is. Én egy mohitot kérnék, a barátomnak pedig egy cosmopolitant, legyen szíves!
“Great! I will be back with your drinks in a few minutes.” – Nagyszerű! Néhány percen belül jövök is az italaikkal.
Listen to a conversation about ordering in Hungarian.
“Could you tell me what’s the chef’s special, please?” – El tudná mondani, mi a séf ajánlata?
“Certainly. It is duck breast with orange sauce. It’s very delicious.” – Persze. Kacsamell narancsszósszal. Nagyon finom.
“Great That’s my favorite. I’d like to order that.” – Nagyszerű! Az a kedvencem. Ezt szeretném rendelni.
“Excellent choice.” – Remek választás.
Click to hear how to order lunch at a Hungarian restaurant.
“Excuse me.” – Elnézést!
“Yes, sir? Can I bring you anything?” – Igen, uram? Hozhatok Önnek valamit?
“Yes, I’d like another bottle of wine, please.” – Igen, szeretnék még egy üveg pezsgőt, kérem!
“Of course. I will be back in a few minutes.” – Természetesen. Pár percen belül érkezem.
“I’m allergic to nuts. Could I get the dish without any?” – Allergiás vagyok a mogyoróra. Lehetne, hogy a nélkül kérjem az ételt?
“Of course. Would you like something else instead?” – Természetesen. Szeretne valami mást helyette?
“No, thank you.” – Nem, köszönöm.
“Could I get some more of this tzatziki sauce? It’s very tasty. – Kérhetnék még a tzatziki szószból? Nagyon ízletes.
“I’m very sorry but we just ran out. Could I bring you some yoghurt or mayonnaise instead?” – Nagyon sajnálom, de épp most fogyott el. Hozhatok esetleg joghurtot vagy majonézt helyette?
“Yes, yoghurt would be great, thank you.” – Igen, a joghurt remek lenne, köszönöm!
“Could I get some more napkins? – Kérhetnék még szalvétát?
“Of course, here you go, madame. If you’d like some more, you can get them at the bar anytime.” – Persze, tessék, hölgyem. Ha szeretne még, a bárból bármikor hozhat még.
“The soup is very salty. Is there something we can do about that?” – A leves nagyon sós. Tudunk valamit tenni az ügy érdekében?
“I’m sorry to hear that, sir. I could bring you another bowl if you’d like.” – Sajnálattal hallom, uram. Hozhatok Önnek egy másik tányérral, ha szeretné.
“I’d thank you, yes.” – Azt megköszönném, igen.
“Alright. I will bring it to you in 10 minutes.” – Rendben. 10 percen belül hozom is Önnek.
“What do you recommend as dessert? – Mit ajánl desszertként?
“Our pistachio ice-cream is very popular.” – A pisztáciafagyink nagyon népszerű.
“Great. I love pistachios. We’ll try that.” – Remek! Imádom a pisztáciát. Megkóstoljuk!
“Where do I find the restrooms? – Merre találom a mosdókat?
“You go down the corridor and then you will find them to the left.” – Végigmegy a folyosón, és bal oldalra találja majd őket.

3. After Dining
Lastly, we are going to cover those Hungarian words and phrases in restaurant settings that are common in Hungary. For example, you would want to know how to ask for the bill in Hungarian, right? Well, we are going to learn that together now. With that and others, our list of Hungarian restaurant phrases will be complete, and you will be able to go to a restaurant in Hungary with confidence and order food with ease. Sounds good? Let’s get into the last part of this article then, finishing off this study session.
“Can I pay with euros?” – Tudok euróval fizetni?
“Yes, you can. Let me come back with another bill with the total in euros.” – Igen, tud. Hadd jöjjek vissza egy másik számlával, amin euróban van a végösszeg.
“Perfect. Thank you.” – Tökéletes, köszönöm!
“Is it possible to box my leftovers?” – Volna lehetőség rá, hogy becsomagolják a maradékot?
“For sure. We’ll charge a little extra for the boxes though. Is that okay?” – Persze. De felszámoljuk a doboz árát. Így is megfelel?
“Yes, it’s fine. Thank you.” – Igen, megfelel. Köszönöm!
“Could we talk to the chef? We’d like to congratulate him/her. Our dinner was fantastic.” – Beszélhetnénk a séffel? Szeretnénk neki gratulálni. A vacsoránk fantasztikus volt.“
Wonderful. She/he will be very happy. Let me call him/her for you.” – Ragyogó! Nagyon boldog lesz. Hadd hívjam ide őt Önökhöz.
“Could I get the bill, please?” – Kérhetném a számlát?
“Of course. Would you like to pay by cash or card?” – Természetesen. Készpénzzel vagy kártyával szeretne fizetni?
“By card.” – Kártyával.
“Alright, I’ll bring the POS terminal.” – Rendben, hozom is a POS terminált.
Listen to how to ask for the bill in Hungarian.
“Can we pay the bill separately?” – Tudjuk külön fizetni a számlát?
“Yes, but unfortunately, only is you pay by cash. Is that a problem?” – Igen, de sajnos, csak ha készpénzzel fizetnek. Ez problémát jelent?
“No, it’s not.” – Nem, nem jelent.
Before we finish off, we must talk about tipping etiquette in Hungary. Sometimes the service fee is included in the bill automatically, sometimes, it is not. If it is the latter, people usually tip between 10-15%. However, the most common tips are between 10-12%.
Check out the Hungarian dining etiquette too.
If you do not feel like going to a restaurant, for whatever reason, check out apps and shops that offer home delivery.

4. How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Goals in Learning Hungarian
You got to the end of our common Hungarian restaurant phrases article, congrats! Hopefully, you know more about how to reserve tables, how to order food in Hungarian, or how to ask for the bill in Hungarian. We have learned lots of other expressions for before, during, and after dining that hopefully will help you during your time in the country.
However, if you still feel unsure about your knowledge, there are lots of study materials on the HungarianPod101 website, where you can even sign up to be a full-time member of our family, supported by top-notch, additional study materials and strong, helpful community.
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Do you know how to ask for the bill in Hungarian? Comment below!