Have you read our articles on beginner and intermediate words already? If so, you should be well equipped with the essential words for your daily interactions in Hungary… But what if you don’t want to stop there?
As promised, here is our article on advanced Hungarian words!
Our aim is to familiarize you with the most common advanced Hungarian words in different categories. You’ll learn words and technical terms related to the academic and business worlds, the medical field, and the legal system. In addition, we have included a section dedicated to teaching you more sophisticated alternatives to common Hungarian words.
As always, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to let us know in the comments if you think any important words are missing or if you have any questions about what we’re about to cover. You can also create a Premium PLUS account to access our MyTeacher service, which will connect you with your own personal Hungarian language tutor.
If you’re ready to get started with the last installment of this miniseries, let’s jump right into it!

- Advanced Academic Words
- Advanced Business Words
- Advanced Medical Words
- Advanced Legal Words
- Additional Words for Acing a Hungarian Language Exam
- How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Hungarian Learning Goals
1. Advanced Academic Words
You will most definitely need a good number of academic words if, say, you want to study at a Hungarian university. What an adventure that would be! The following list of advanced Hungarian words will help you immensely not only when writing essays or taking tests, but also when composing your thesis at the end of your studies.
However, even if you don’t plan to pursue higher education in Hungary, knowing a few academic words will still come in handy. For example, it’s likely that you’ll bump into one or two of these advanced Hungarian words at your workplace in Hungary or in the local newspaper.
What if you’re just learning Hungarian for fun as a hobby? Picking up the most common academic words will help you broaden your vocabulary, improve your overall language skills, and allow you to have more engaging conversations with native speakers.
Let’s take a look!
“Assessment” – Értékelés Noun | “Overall” – Összességében Adverb |
“Required” – Szükséges Adjective | “Debate” – Vita Noun |
“To demonstrate” – Demonstrálni Verb | “Controversy” – Viszály Noun |
“Considerable” – Jelentős Adjective | “Ambiguous” – Bizonytalan Adjective |
Example sentence:
“We’ve received a considerable number of complaints in connection with the assignment.”
Jelentős számú panaszt kaptunk a feladattal kapcsolatban.
“Academic” – Akadémiai Adjective | “To eliminate” – Kiiktat Verb |
“Hereby” – Ezennel Adverb | “Finite” – Véges / Befejezett Adjective |
“Thus” – Tehát Adverb | “To coincide” – Egybeesni / Egybevágni Verb |
Example sentence:
“Thus, we must improve our teaching methods.”
Tehát muszáj javítanunk a tanítási módunkon.
“Preliminary” – Előkészítő Adjective | “To attain” – Megszerezni Verb |
“Forthcoming” – Közeledő Adjective | “To denote” – Jelölni Verb |
“Sphere” – Szféra Noun | “Whereby” – Miáltal Adverb |
“To undergo” – Keresztülmenni Verb | “Inhibition” – Gátlás / Akadályozás Noun |
“So-called” – Úgynevezett Adjective | “To hinder” – Meggátolni / Akadályozni Verb |
Example sentence:
“Excessive partying hinders high performance in school.”
A mértéktelen bulizás akadályozza a magas iskolai teljesítményt.
“Albeit” – Habár Conjunction | Virtually” – Tulajdonképpen Adverb |
“Structure” – Struktúra Noun | “Structure” – Struktúra Noun |
“Hypothesis” – Feltételezés / Feltevés Noun | “Principle” – Alapelv Noun |
Want to learn even more essential vocabulary? Then visit our Vocab Builder for Academia!

2. Advanced Business Words
No list of advanced Hungarian vocabulary words could be complete without some business words. Studying economics in Hungary? Great! You’ll love this list and will find your studies much easier once you have these business- and economics-related words down. Not to mention how your teachers will appreciate that you know such nuanced Hungarian words as a foreigner.
Not studying in Hungary but want to impress your Hungarian boss? No problem! These advanced Hungarian words and phrases will come in handy not only when writing emails, but also in meetings and conferences with clients. You’ll be able to seal the deal on that long-desired promotion before you know it!
“Strategy building” – Stratégiaépítés Noun | “Fiscal year” – Költségvetési év Noun |
Example sentence:
“We have to get this done before the end of the current fiscal year.”
Ezt még a mostani költségvetési év vége előtt be kell fejeznünk.
“Counteroffer” – Ellenajánlat Noun | “Sum” – Összeg Noun |
“Conference” – Értekezlet Noun | “License” – Engedély / Felhatalmazás Noun |
“Margin” – Árrés Noun | Stakeholder” – Részvényes Noun |
Example sentence:
“Let’s make sure that our stakeholders are satisfied with the project.”
Menjünk biztosra, hogy a részvényeseink elégedettek a projekttel.
“Retainer” – Foglaló Noun | “Feedback” – Visszacsatolás Noun |
“Expansion” – Terjeszkedés Noun | “Expansion” – Terjeszkedés Noun |
“Merge” – Egyesülés Noun | “Merge” – Egyesülés Noun |
“Entity” – Entitás Noun | “Entity” – Entitás Noun phrase |
“Sustainable” – Fenntartható Adjective | “To monitor” – Figyelemmel kísérni Verb |
Example sentence:
“The sales department is supposed to monitor the revenue.”
Az értékesítési osztálynak kellene figyelemmel kísérnie a bevételt.
“Pay raise” – Fizetésemelés Noun | “Incorporated” – Egyesített Adjective |
“Incentive” – Ösztönző Noun | “To access” – Elérni Verb |
“Revenue” – Árbevétel Noun | “To modify” – Módosítani / Változtatni Verb |
“Commission” – Jutalék Noun | “Commission” – Jutalék Noun |
“To assign” – Kiosztani Verb | “Hierarchical” – Hierarchikus Adjective |
Visit our lesson Talking to a Supplier in Hungarian to listen to a sample business-related conversation.

3. Advanced Medical Words
There are a couple of scenarios where you would definitely want to know some advanced Hungarian words related to medicine:
God forbid, but if anything were to happen to you, your travel buddy, or just a random pedestrian while you’re in Hungary, you’ll need to know some medical words. This will allow you to call an ambulance and explain the problem to them, and to know what the injured person’s condition is.
The other scenario is if you want to pursue medical studies. In this case, you would surely need to be familiar with the advanced Hungarian vocabulary list below in order to understand what they’re teaching in lectures and to write your academic essays.
“Acute” – Akut / Heven Adjective | “Blood donor” – Véradó Noun |
“Chickenpox” – Bárányhimlő Noun | “Dementia” – Demencia / Elmebaj Noun |
“Deaf” – Süket / Siket Adjective | “Immune system” – Immunrendszer Noun |
“Dehydration” – Kiszáradás Noun | “Operation” – Operáció / Műtét Noun |
“Fever” – Láz Noun | “To eliminate” – Kiiktat Verb |
“Surgery” – Műtét Noun | “Prescription” – Recept Noun |
“Mental health” – Mentálhigiénia Noun | “Vein” – Ér Noun |
Example sentence:
“Mental health is just as important as physical health.”
A mentálhigiénia ugyanolyan fontos, mint a fizikai egészség.
“Complication” – Szövődmény Noun | “Numb” – Zsibbadt / Érzéstelen Adjective |
“Symptom” – Tünet Noun | “Injury” – Sérülés Noun |
“X-ray” – Röntgen Noun | “Wound” – Seb Noun |
Example sentence:
“Let’s take an X-ray to see if there is a fracture.”
Csináltassunk röntgent, hogy lássuk, van-e törés.
“Life-threatening” – Életveszélyes Adjective | “Infection” – Fertőzés Noun |
“Fatal” – Halálos Adjective | “Illness” – Betegség Noun |
“Cancer” – Rák Noun | “Fracture” – Zúzódás Noun |
“Procedure” – Beavatkozás Noun | “Lasting” – Maradandó Adjective |
Example sentence:
“Due to the accident, she has suffered lasting injuries.”
A baleset miatt maradandó sérüléseket szenvedett.

4. Advanced Legal Words
Again, we hope this never happens, but if you get in trouble with the law while in Hungary—for example, if the police have to get involved—it can be life-saving to know one or two advanced Hungarian words related to the legal system. Of course, these words will also be extremely helpful should you wake up one day and decide to take up the challenge of entering law school.
But make sure to give yourself a pat on the back, even if you’re just learning these words for fun!
“Convict” – Fegyenc Noun | “Homicide” – Emberölés Noun |
Example sentence:
“They reported a homicide in our neighborhood.”
Emberölést jelentettek a környékünkön.
“Judge” – Bíró Noun | “Murder” – Gyilkosság Noun |
“Jury” – Esküdtszék Noun | “Shoplifting” – Bolti lopás Noun |
“Prison” – Börtön Noun | “To sentence” – Elítél Verb |
“Attorney” – Jogász Noun | “To sentence” – Elítél Verb |
Example sentence:
“The judge sentenced the accused to five years in prison.”
A bíró 5 év börtönre ítélte a vádlottat.
“Defendant” – Vádlott Noun | “Trial” – Kihallgatás Noun |
“To plead” – Kérelmezni Verb | “Courtroom” – Bírósági tárgyalóterem Noun phrase |
“Verdict” – Ítélet Noun | “To charge” – Vádolni Verb |
“Justice” – Igazságszolgáltatás Noun | “To arrest” – Letartóztatni Verb |
“Prejudice” – Befolyásolás Noun | “Allegation” – Vádaskodás Noun |
“Law” – Törvény Noun | “Illegal” – Illegális / Törvényellenes Adjective |
“Contract” – Szerződés Noun | “Plea” – Védőbeszéd Noun |
“Evidence” – Bizonyíték Noun | “Warrant” – Parancs / Végzés Noun |
Example sentence:
“Based on the evidence in their possession, she is guilty.”
A birtokukban lévő bizonyíték alapján bűnös.
“Consent” – Hozzájárulás / Beleegyezés Noun | “Bias” – Elfogultság Noun |

5. Additional Words for Acing a Hungarian Language Exam
Do you ever wonder how many words it takes to be considered advanced in Hungarian? Well, according to experts, that number is anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000. Not quite there yet? Don’t worry!
The following list of advanced Hungarian words will be a big help to you when taking a Hungarian language exam or attending university in Hungary.
“Approach” – Megközelítés Noun | “Estate” – Állam Noun |
Example sentence:
“This is an interesting approach regarding teaching.”
Ez egy érdekes megközelítés a tanítást illetően.
“Significant” – Jelentős / Lényeges Adjective | “To clarify” – Tisztázni Verb |
“Concept” – Koncepció / Elképzelés Verb | “Duration” – Időtartam Noun |
“To affect” – Hatással lenni Verb | “Duration” – Időtartam Noun |
Example sentence:
“The duration of the exam is precisely three hours.”
A vizsga időtartama pontosan 3 óra.
“In summary” – Összefoglalásképp Adverb | “Economic” – Gazdasági Adjective |
“Obvious” – Nyilvánvaló Adjective | “Unified” – Egyesített Adjective |
“Arbitrary” – Önkényes / Önhatalmú Adjective | “Exhibition” – Kiállítás Noun |
“Subordinate” – Alárendelt Adjective | “Contradiction” – Ellentmondás Noun |
“Restraint” – Korlát Noun | “Crucial” – Életbevágó / Fontos Adjective |
“Inherent” – Velejáró Adjective | “Incident” – Eset / Történés Noun |
“To cease” – Abbamaradni / Megszűnni Verb | “Coincidence” – Véletlen Noun |
“Factor” – Tényező Noun | “Conclusion” – Összefoglalás Noun |
“To ensure” – Biztosítani valamiről Verb | “Instance” – Példa / Eset Noun |
“Sufficient” – Elegendő Adjective | “Benefit” – Előny / Haszon Noun |
Example sentence:
“You have read a sufficient amount of books for the exam. Relax.”
Elegendő mennyiségű könyvet olvastál el a vizsgára. Nyugi.
“Emphasis” – Hangsúly / Nyomaték Noun | “Presumption” – Feltételezés / Sejtés Noun |
“Estimate” – Becslés / Becsült érték Noun | “Consistency” – Következetesség Noun |
“Thorough” – Alapos Adjective | “Established” – Bevezetett Adjective |
“To exceed” – Túllép / Túlszárnyal Verb | “Source” – Forrás Noun |
“Discretion” – Diszkréció Noun | “Particular” – Konkrét / Bizonyos Adjective |
“To imply” – Utalni valamire Verb | “Labor” – Munkaerő Noun |

6. How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Hungarian Learning Goals
We are so happy that you came along with us on this journey of learning vocabulary words fit for every level of Hungarian, and we hope you’ll stick around. In this article, we introduced you to a variety of advanced Hungarian vocabulary words related to academia, business, medicine, and the legal system.
- → Want to learn even more and strengthen your skills? Then check out our advanced Hungarian course or any of the other advanced Hungarian learning materials on our website.
We hope you enjoyed this miniseries because we have another one coming. So make sure to check back often. 😉
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Before you go: Which word did you find the most difficult? Did you know any of these already?